NeuroAiD(R) (MLC601) and Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing. Cerebrovasc Dis 2013;35(suppl 1):30-37Lim YA, Murray LA, Lai MK, et al. NeuroAiD (MLC601) and amyloid precursor protein processing. Cerebrovasc Dis 2013;35(Suppl 1):30-7....
Efficacy and safety of MLC601(NeuroAiD), a traditional chinese medicine, in poststroke recovery:a systematic review[J]. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2013, 35(Suppl 1):8.Siddiqui F J, Venketasubramanian N, Chart E S, et al. Efficacy and safety of MLC601 (NeuroAiD), a traditional chinese medicine, ...
NeuroAiD(MLC601) and amyloid precursor protein processing[J]. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2013, 35(Suppl 1):30.Lim Y, Murray L, Lai M, Chen C: NeuroAiD(R) (MLC601) and amyloid precursor protein processing. Cerebrovasc Dis 2013;35:30-37.Lim Y.A., Murray L.A., Lai M.K.P., et al. ...
stroke recoveryclinical triallong-term outcomeMLC601Philippinesp ? p ? p ?=?0.002) compared to other countries. Baseline characteristics were similar between treatment groups. The treatment effect of MLC601 seen at M3 peaked at M6 with OR for mRS shift of 1.53 (95% CI 1.05–2.22), mRS ...
Durability of the beneficial effect of MLC601 (NeuroAiD) on functional recovery among stroke patients from the Philippines in the CHIMES and CHIMES-E studiesdoi:10.1177/1747493016676615Jose C NavarroChristopher Lh ChenChun F LeeHerminigildo H Gan...
MLC601NeuroAidStrokeBackground Stroke is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, and carries greater economic costs. [MLC 601] originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine approved in 7 countries as drug that can aids post-stroke recovery. Objective To assess [MLC...
Effets neuroprotecteurs et neuroprolifératifs du MLC 601 et 901 (neuroaid) sur deux modèles ischémiques chez la souris et le ratMLC901 (NurAiDII) is used as a treatment for stroke patients. It has been shown that MLC901 improves motor and cognitive recovery in ischemic and traumatic ...
strokeNeuroAiDBackground and purpose: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) MLC601 has shown promising results on functional recovery of patients after stroke. This study aimed to evaluate the pooled effect of its efficacy.Gonzalez-Fraile, EduardoMartin-Carrasco, ManuelBallesteros, Javier...
Safety profile of MLC601 () in acute ischemic patients: A Singaporean substudy of the Chinese medicine efficacy on recovery study.Pediatrics
NeuroAiDstrokerecoveryreviewmeta-analysisEduardo González-FraileInstituto de Investigaciones PsiquiátricasManuel Martín-CarrascoInstituto de Investigaciones PsiquiátricasJavier BallesterosInstituto de Investigaciones PsiquiátricasBrain InjuryGonzalez-Fraile, E., Martin-Carrasco, M., & Ballesteros, J. (2016). ...