并且,……(("Section Title","Website Title"))。我们用网站时要尽可能提供作者姓名,如果作者未知...
11-14 A. Works from the Free Web B. Works from Databases p.11-12 p. 13-1... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:19 | 浏览次数:73 | 上传日期:2016-03-13 09:08:01 | 文档星级: MLA In-Text Citation and “Works Cited” Entries Citation Basics: I. Elements of MLA Citations p. 2 II. In-...
MLA In-Text Citations Published April 14, 2016. Updated July 10, 2022. 3.4 (149) Citation Generator Source Type Website Search Create manual citationCreate manual citation An in-text citation is a reference to a source that is found within the text of a paper (Handbook227). This tells a...
在MLA格式中引用同一作者的多篇文献时,需在括号内加入关键词组。具体格式如下:例如,Lightenor曾论述过计算机对小孩子的不利影响("Too Soon",38页),尽管他也提到过过早接触电脑游戏能促进小孩的手眼协调能力("Hand-Eye Development",17页)。或者:Lightenor认为计算机对小孩子的帮助不大("Too ...
View Screenshot|Cite your source In-text website citation with one author The in-text citation for a website with an author is reflected as the author’s last name in parentheses, followed by a period. Unless the website includes numbered paragraphs or sections, you should not include any ...
Instantly get pre-made in-text and full APA citations with Grammarly’s auto-citations tool, which works within top source sites like Wikipedia, Frontiers, and ScienceDirect. Never lose points over citation formatting Perfect your citation's periods, parentheses, and more with the help of Gramma...
Cite the source in parentheses, and place the period after the citation. 3. When paraphrasing or summarizing an author's ideas or points, you place the author's name and page number after the material you are using. 4. Electronic sources include web pages, online encyclopedia, ...
Exactly which information is required for in-text citations varies whether you’re using APA, MLA, or Chicago style. However, if you’re confused about how to write your in-text citations, you can use Grammarly auto-citations or enter your source in our free citation generator to create ...