Rules of the MLA Style The MLA Format is designed to maximize legibility without straining the reader’s eyes. Most of the formatting also comes default when opening a new document in Microsoft Word, which speaks to the ubiquity of the MLA Format. Below are the key basics to starting your...
) style requires you to cite your sources within the text of ummarize, or quote.narios for MLA citing. For more examples, see MLA Handb brary Reference, call number LB2369 M53 2009) and the cPherson Library Reference, call number PN147 G526 200en made for the new edition of the MLA ...
Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 July 2010. Note: 短篇小说课本引用格式:小说作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码...
#1Ruleforanyformattingstyle:Always Followyourinstructor’sguidelines Format:GeneralGuidelines Typeonwhite8.5”x11”paperDouble-spaceeverything Use12pt.TimesNewRomanfont(orsimilarfont)LeaveonlyonespaceafterpunctuationSetallmarginsto1inchonallsidesIndentthefirstlineofparagraphsonehalf-inch Form...
be typed and double-spaced; and it should use a legible font like Times New Roman with a standard font size of 12 points. Margins should be set to one inch on all sides, and only one space should be left after periods or other punctuation marks. Other basic aspects of the MLA style ...
Basicruleforanyformattingstyle:AlwaysFollowyourinstructor’s guidelines FormatforPage1 In-TextCitations:TheBasics Anin-textcitationisabriefreferenceinyourtextthatindicatesthesourceyouconsulted.•ItshoulddirectreaderstotheentryinyourWorksCitedpageforthatsource.•Itshouldbeunobtrusive:providethecitationinformation...
#1Ruleforanyformattingstyle:Always Followyourinstructor’sGuidelines始终遵循导师的建议 Format:GeneralGuidelines总则 Typeonwhite8.5”x11”paper页面大小8.5”x11”Double-spaceeverything双倍行距 Use12pt.TimesNewRomanfont(orsimilarfont)字体为TimesNewRoman,或者与其相似的字体,字号10-12Leaveonly...
#1Ruleforanyformattingstyle:Always Followyourinstructor’sguidelines Format:GeneralGuidelines Typeonwhite8.5”x11”paperDouble-spaceeverything Use12pt.TimesNewRomanfont(orsimilarfont)LeaveonlyonespaceafterpunctuationSetallmarginsto1inchonallsidesIndentthefirstlineofparagraphsonehalf-inch Form...
2.MLA Documentation Style 2.1. Bibliography 2.1.1. Placement of Bibliography end of the paper on a new page continuing the page numbers of the text. 2.1.2. Format of Bibliography center the title, Bibliography, an inch from the top of the page, double-space between the title and the firs...
MLAstyle 引用格式 THE UNIVERSITY MLA Style Footnotes & Bibliography OF TOLEDO LIBRARIES What is a Reference Citation? All research is based on research preceding it, and writers are required to reference, or document, the original sources of information used. Any directly quoted or paraphrased ...