The monthly salary of MLAs have also been hiked from Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000 besides the constituency allowance increase from Rs 35,000 to Rs 60,000 and office allowance is to double from Rs 5000 to Rs 10,000 per month. With this hike the monthly take home salary of MLAs will be ...
Top 5 Rich MLAs of India The Top Poorest MLAs of India At the other end of the spectrum stands B. Yamini Bala, the Telugu Desam Party MLA from Singanamala, Andhra Pradesh. Her declared annual income is Rs 1,301, slightly more than Rs 100 per month. Number two on the list is BJP...
Nirav Pankaj ShahPrint this
Salary and Perks of President of India are given below. Our articlePresident of India, Salary, Perks and Rashtrapati Bhavancovers it in detail. A president draws a salary of Rs.5 lakh a month. (In Jan 2016 the salary of the President was increased from the current 1.5 lakh a month to ...