In-Text Citation MLA格式采用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合 1. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. i.e. “A lone woman is ...
An in-text citation is a reference to a source that is found within the text of a paper (Handbook227). This tells a reader that an idea, quote, or paraphrase originated from a source. MLA in-text citations usually include the last name of the author and the location of cited informati...
The text is identical to the original Scribbr’s Chat with PDF tool can help you quickly and easily find relevant quotes in sources. The exact format of a quote depends on its length and on which citation style you are using. Quoting and citing correctly is essential to avoid plagiarism whi...
If you want to quote a section of text that is longer than four lines or a section of poetry that is longer than three lines, use a block quote. Block quotes are also used when quoting lines from a play. You introduce the block quote with a sentence in your own words. You want to...
) style requires you to cite your sources within the text of ummarize, or quote.narios for MLA citing. For more examples, see MLA Handb brary Reference, call number LB2369 M53 2009) and the cPherson Library Reference, call number PN147 G526 200en made for the new edition of the MLA ...
Quotations Long Quote: more than four typed lines Place quote in free-standing block of text and omit the quotation marks Start quotation on a new line Indent entire quotation 1” Maintain double spacing ie. Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration: They...
currently use capital punishment, rather than quoting the entire list, consider summarizing the list in the body of your essay: "Belarus, China, Israel, Japan, The United States and 15 other countries currently use capital punishment." Remember to use an in-text citation after all paraphrased ...
When you are quoting poetry that is four or more lines, the rules go like this: It should be cited on a new line with a one-inch margin from the left side. Each line of the poem must appear exactly the way it has been in your source. ...
When quoting an author for the first time in your text, be sure to give the author’s first and last names as well as the full title of the work to which you are referring. From that initial point on, the author may be referred to by only his or her last name only. In addition,...