正确:young men and womena chairpersona researchera firefightera nursepeople, humanity,humankind human-computer interactionworkforce, workersGladys Yangparenting, nurturinga police officer a postal worker a poet a president 错误(按字母排序):boys and girls(指大学生)a chairmana female researchera fireman ...
When you quote a source, you have to introduce the quote, enclose it in quotation marks, and correctly cite it.
TheMLA in-text citationshould always appear in parentheses at the end of your sentence, regardless of the location of the quote within the sentence. If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation. ...
In-text citations in APA use what’s called the author-date style, which includes the author’s last name and the year of publication, separated with commas. If citing a specific piece of information or a direct quote, also include the location, such as a page number or timestamp. Use...
Within a citation, put editors’ first name first. Page number questions: • • • • • • For Works Cited citations: No author-- Begin with title Only one author—always reverse order, last name first 2-3 authors—first author in reverse order, all others Firstname Initial ...
MLA In-text Citations In-text citations are brief references within your text to the source(s) listed in your reference list. If you quote or paraphrase someone else's work, you must include in-text citations. The MLA in-text citation format follows the author-page method, consisting of...
MLA格式的细则(附APA 论文格式) thefirstladyhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5c584a9c010103kz.htmlRubric of the Course Paper for “American Literature” 关于“美国文学”课程论文MLA格式的细则 1. The thesis is written in English, including the citation.( 全文用英文书写, 包括引用文献。) 2. Wh...
a quotation at the beginning, middle, or end of your sentence or, for the sake of variety or better style, divide it by your own words. Place the citation information for the quoted material in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Place the sentence period after the reference citation....
MLA Citations are done by using what is known as parenthetical citation. In this method, relevant source information is placed in parentheses after a certain quote or paraphrase. The required source information in parenthetical citations depends upon two things: upon the source medium and upon the...