InMLA style, source titles appear either in italics or in quotation marks: Italicizethe title of a self-contained whole (e.g. a book, film, journal, or website). Usequotation marksaround the title if it is part of a larger work (e.g. a chapter of a book, an article in a journal...
For a published interview with a title, include the interview title after the name of the person interviewed. Use quotation marks around the interview title, followed by a period. Include the publication or broadcast program’s title in italics after the interview title. Jolie, Angelina. “Being...
在正文中,括号夹注是引文出现的小句的一部分,因而必须放在句末的标点以内,不得放在句外,但也不得放在引文的引号以内(见图2.6)。引语段(block quotation)的括号夹注不属于单句,因而不得将其放在句末的标点以内(见图2.7)。 1.2 引语(Quotations) 引文必须准确,必须用方括号(square brackets“[ ]”)和省略号(elli...
According to section 2.90 of theHandbook, titles should be written in title case format. This means that the first letter in the first word, the first letter in the last word, and the first letters of all other important words are capitalized. Any coordinating conjunctions (and, for, but,...
If the author of the source is unknown, instead of stating his last name in parentheses after the quote: make the entire title italicized, put the article or webpage in quotation marks, or the shortened title within quotation marks. Book Example: In the novel Diary of an Oxygen Thief, the...
Reserve the precious time you have for researching and writing, rather than wrapping your head around MLA guidelines, rules, and structures. The EasyBib citing tool is here to help you easily create citations for all your papers and turn you into a citing, MLA machine!
•Doublespaceagainandcenterthetitle.Donotunderline,italicize,orplaceyourtitleinquotation the title Case(standardcapitalization),notinallcapitalletters.•Usequotationmarksand/oritalicswhenreferringtootherworksinyourtitle,justasyouwouldinyourtext:FearandLoathinginLasVegasasMoralityPlay;HumanWearinessin“AfterApple...
or place your title in quotation marks;write the title in Title Case(standard capitalization), not in all capital letters.Use quotation marks and/or italics when referring to other works in your title, just as you would in your text: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as Morality Play;Human ...
? Put quotation marks around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles, articles from edited collections, television series episodes, and song titles: \Constructing Possible Worlds\Short Quotations If you are directly quoting from a work, you will need to include the author, year of ...
o Parenthetical citations in text o Works Cited page Currently ♠ The MLA published the 7th edition of the MLA handbook this year.♠ To view complete changes consult the 7th edition of the handbook.♠ Some changes include:y No more underlining. Instead use italics.y No ...