3、一定一定要严谨的按照格式来,不能只扔一个 URL 链接上去。 4、尽量不直接照搬文献原文(尤其是结论部分),要对内容进行 paraphrase(即通过自己的理解来表述)。 5、虽然引用资料可以避免教授说你是抄袭,但如果论文里有过多的 citation 而缺少自己的分析,那么依然有可能会被算作抄袭哦~ 以上就是关于三种citation格...
How to Block Quote | Length, Format and Examples Long quotes are set on a new line and indented as a block with no quotation marks. The rules are different in each citation style. 218 How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas int...
06、MLA 中的Paraphrases 一般你论文里,其他来源的文献或者语音内容要添加时,就要创建“Paraphrases”就算你用自己的话在论文中说一遍,依然要使用相关的格式。(可以参考上面的 MLA 格式) 下面是一个Paraphrases的案例,可以参考一下: 原文:“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Steve Jobs Paraphrases:Steve Jobs encourag...
Finally, add an MLA in-text citation. How to add an MLA in-text citation In order to give credit for ideas that are not yours, citing is key. According the MLA, after you create a paraphrase, you should include an in-text citation with the paraphrase. In addition to the short, in-...
An in-text citation is a reference to a source that is found within the text of a paper (Handbook227). This tells a reader that an idea, quote, or paraphrase originated from a source. MLA in-text citations usually include the last name of the author and the location of cited informati...
什么时候可以使用IN TEXT CITATIONS? Paraphrase Paraphrase的意思是以新型式或新表达方式重述他人的论点或意念,并且必要文内或在脚注中提供对其来源的解释。如果作家的意念是独创的,则需要对其进行注释,以将其与您自己的想法区分开。 Summary Summary是当您自己的想法以外还解释他人意念以更加其说服力的情况。例 分享4...
14. Use block quote when quotations are longer than four-typed lines. Block quotations begin on a new line, are double-spaced and indented one-inch from the margin. Do not use quotation marks. The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过...
APA in-text citation examples In-text citations in APA use what’s called theauthor-date style, which includes the author’s last name and the year of publication, separated with commas. If citing a specific piece of information or a direct quote, also include the location, such as a pag...
An in-text citation refers to the use of a direct quote or a paraphrase of information taken from another source in the body of the text. In-text citations are used to add value to your work and support your ideas. General rules for each MLA in-text citation: It should correspond to...
MLA Citations are done by using what is known as parenthetical citation. In this method, relevant source information is placed in parentheses after a certain quote or paraphrase. The required source information in parenthetical citations depends upon two things: upon the source medium and upon the...