version of the source (if it differs from the original or is unique), any key numbers associated with the source that aren’t dates (such as journal issue numbers or volume numbers), Name of the Publisher, publication date, location (such as the URL or page numbers). ...
其他完全可以在参考书目(不是项目主体)中使用的缩写包括: p. or pp. for page and page numbers ch. for chapter ed. for edition trans. for translation or translated vol. for volume no. for number rev. for revised 同样,这些缩写只能用于论文的最后一页,即 MLA 被引的文献列表。它们不应该不能用在...
[1.4]Running Head and Page Numbers Number all pages consecutively throughout the research paper in the upper right-hand corner, half an inch from the top and flush with the right margin. Type your surname, followed by a space, before the page number (fig. 1.3). If a project has several...
Page Numbers: Create a right-justified header 0.5 inches from the top edge of every page. This header should include your last name, followed by a space and the page number. Your pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) and should start with the number 1 on your titl...
p. or pp. for page and page numbers ch. for chapter ed. for edition trans. for translation or translated vol. for volume no. for number rev. for revised 同样,这些缩写只能用于论文的最后一页,即 MLA 被引的文献列表。它们不应该不能用在正文中,具体文献引用蛮多的,我这里说的是比较普遍的,等...
("TheInsideStory").Note:Donotcitepagenumbersfromprintoutsbecausepaginationmayvaryindifferentprintouts.REMINDERS_ Makeparentheticalcitationsbriefandaccurate._ Toavoidlongparentheticalcitations,placereferenceinformation,suchastheauthor'sname,inyoursentence._ Placeacitationasclosetotherelevantmaterialaspossiblewithout...
page numbers of the text. 2.1.2. Format of Bibliography l center the title, Bibliography, an inch from the top of the page, double-space between the title and the first entryl if an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent lines five spaces from the left marginl 1.5 space...
Additionally, if the authors name is not mentioned in the sentence, you would format your citation with the authors name followed by a comma, followed by a shortened title of the work, followed, when appropriate, by page numbers: Visual studies, because it is such a new discipline, may be...
Step 5: Add a header with page numbers Click on the “Insert” menu, go to “Header & page number,” and choose the option to insert a header. As mentioned previously, include your last name and page number, aligning it to the right margin. ...