作品引用页格式 在研究论文的末尾,用单独的一页开始你的 "作品引用 "(Works Cited Page)页。它应该与论文的其他部分一样,有一英寸的页边距以及有姓氏、页码的标题。在该...
。In general, the in-text citation will be the author’s last name (or abbreviated title) with a page number, enclosed in parentheses. 为了保证上述原则,下面介绍具体的文内引用格式: 3.1 如果是出版物(书籍、期刊等等) 以这篇文章为例:Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life,...
IN-TEXT CITATIONS FOR PRINT SOURCES WITH NO KNOWN AUTHOR 对未知作者的作品引用 当引用来源于未知作者时,按照这些准则,使用作品的缩短标题而不是作者姓名。 如果是短篇作品(如文章),请将标题用引号括起来;如果是长篇作品(如戏剧、书籍、电视节目、整个网站),请用斜体字括起来,如果有,请提供页码。 超过标准名词...
a、According to Smith, in-text citations are simple enough (“MLA In-Text Citations” 92) but the “Works Cited” page can get complicated depending on the “variety and particular types of sources used in a given paper” ( The Fun of MLA 13). (6)在括号内用分号分隔多个引用。如果在...
IN-TEXT CITATIONS: AUTHOR-PAGE STYLE 文中引用:作者-页码 MLA格式遵循“作者-页码”的引用方法。这意味着作者的姓氏和引用的页码必须出现在正文中,而且完整的参考文献应出现在你的 "作品引用 "页上。 作者的名字可以出现在句子本身,也可以出现在引用或转述的括号里,但页码应该在括号里,而不是出现在句子的正文...
MLA Style Parenthetical Citations MLA Style Parenthetical Citations Lakewood High School English Department Directions There are two main sections to the module: 1. Introduction to In-Text Citations and various styles 2. How to create MLA In-Text Citations Read each slide and Click Next and ...
In-text citations are often parenthetical, meaning you add information to the end of a sentence in parentheses. But if you include that necessary information in the language of the sentence itself, you should not include the parenthetical citation. This example shows you proper uses of in-text...
In-Text Citations Source citations should be placed in the text of your paper to briefly identify sources for readers and at the same time allow them to locate these mentioned works in your Works Cited List. MLA Citationsfollow the author-page method of in-text citation. Meaning, the aut...
1.1 In-text Citation: Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord toPythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC(Marcuse 197). 而在论文末尾的“引用文献〞〔Works Cited〕局部〔按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列〕,如此可根据作者姓氏很容易的找出该引用文献的详细信息。包括作者名〔姓+逗号+名〕、...
第一部分:正文内引述(In-text Citation: MLA Style) [The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses followi...