。In general, the in-text citation will be the author’s last name (or abbreviated title) with a page number, enclosed in parentheses. 为了保证上述原则,下面介绍具体的文内引用格式: 3.1 如果是出版物(书籍、期刊等等) 以这篇文章为例:Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life,...
For example, Rachel complains that being forced to live in the Congo with her missionary family is “a sheer tapestry of justice” because her chances of finding a boyfriend are “dull and void” (117; bk. 2, ch. 10). 例子里的括号夹注表示引文来自该书第二册第十章的第117页。(注意标点...
In-text citation with corporate authors In-text citation with edited books and anthologies In-text citation with no page numbers and online sources Citing the same sources multiple times Citing 2+ sources in the same in-text citation Citing multiple works by the same author in the same in-text...
In-text Citation Structure (Author #1 and Author #2). Example (Wadhwa and Salkever). Cite your source How to cite a website with three or more authors in MLA 9 For a source with three or more authors, you should place the authors’ names in the same order as the source. The first...
IN-TEXT CITATIONS FOR PRINT SOURCES WITH NO KNOWN AUTHOR 对未知作者的作品引用 当引用来源于未知作者时,按照这些准则,使用作品的缩短标题而不是作者姓名。如果是短篇作品(如文章),请将标题用引号括起来;如果是长篇作品(如戏剧、书籍、电视节目、整个网站),请用斜体字括起来,如果有,请提供页码。超过...
1.1 In-text Citation: Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197). 而在论文末尾“引用文件”(Works Cited)部分(按作者姓氏字母次序排列),则可依据作者姓氏很轻易找出该引用文件具体信息。包含作者名(姓+逗号+名)、著作名、...
Allergies in Children. New York: Random, 1998. (9) 无作者(Book with No Author) 当作者不明时,按书名的字母顺序来排列文献引用页中的作品。 Encyclopedia of Indiana. New York: Somerset, 1993. 如文内引用的文献作者不明,则用缩写的文献名来代替作者姓名项,并可酌情在文献名加双引号和下划线(短文献、...
mla 格式指南文学论文适用 1. 文内引用格式intext citations 文内引用是指在论文中对其它文献内容进行直引用或对文献中的某些观点内容进行诠释。以下部分将简要介绍文内引用时可能遇到的情况及其相应的处理方法。 1 基本引用格式
新版书(Book with a new edition)MLA:Erikson, Erik. Childhood and Society. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1963.APA:Kail, R. (1990). Memory development in children (3rd ed.). New York: Freeman.团体作者(Book with a corporate author)写的书籍MLA:College Board. College-bound Seniors: 1989 SAT ...
In-Text Citation MLA格式采用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合。 1. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. i.e. “A lone woman is ...