MLA Works Cited Page: Books. Scroll down until you come to thesection headed "A Work in an Anthology, Reference, Citing YourSources in MLA Format. about the sixth edition. For documentationmodels for the most common sources in MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles, see our Re:Writing page....
MLA_Format_for_Works_CitedMLA Format for Works Cited 1 Book by one author BASIC FORM: (注:以下黑色字体均为格式要求) Author’s Surname, First Name,Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. EXAMPLE:(注:以下红色字体均为例证) Creel, Margaret Washington.A Peculiar ... Basics of the Works Cited Page •The Works Cited page should be its own page at the end of the paper.•“Works Cited” (without the quotation marks) should be centered at the top of the page.•The list of sources should be double spaced.•Use...
When citing a book inMLA format, include the author’s name, the title of the book, the publisher’s name, publication date, and sometimes the place of publication. The way you cite a book using MLA format can vary depending on the type of work you’re citing. For example, an e-boo...
引用文献条目格式(Works Cited Page: Basic Format)(1) 基本规则(Basic Rules)· Works Cited页位置在论文最后,另起一页。· Works Cited页上应标出页码;Works Cited 字样位于此页最上方、居中。· 均为双倍行距;条目之间不留空行。· 如需要,可直接列出所引用的页码。如你所引用的期刊文章出现在22 19、5到...
Don’t forget to use’s MLA work cited generator to develop your works cited page in MLA. Italics vs. Quotation marks in MLA Whether the source is placed in italics or quotation marks depends on where the source was found. If the title stands alone (like a book or movie),...
How to format the Work/s Cited page ?(引用作品格式) The Work/s Cited page is a list of all the sources you cited in your paper. It includes books, journals, magazines, online resources, films, CD-Rom, interview,classroom notes, blog, e-mail, diaries, etc.(“引用作品”页是在你论文...
These containers, pictured here, provide you with the required elements, order, and punctuation for each of your Works Cited entries. As you work to format your Works Cited entries, you will notice that some sources require only one container, as shown on the right. These are sources that ...
How to Cite a Book, Chapter, and Title in APA Format. In American Psychological Association style, books are cited both on a separate page of references and in the body of the text. An APA reference page listing requires different information and formatt
19.How to format the Work/s Cited page ?(引用作品格式) The Work/s Cited page is a list of all the sources you cited in your paper. It includes books, journals, magazines, online resources, films, CD-Rom, interview,classroom notes, blog, e-mail, diaries, etc.(“引用作品”页是在你...