Scott. The Great Gatsby. Scribner, 2004. How to Cite Edited and Translated Books in MLA Format If you refer to a book that was edited or translated, there are two ways to indicate this in your citation: List the translator or editor in the author’s name section and specify their role...
How to cite a book in MLA 8: Grissom, Kathleen.The Kitchen House.Touchstone, 2010. Touchstone is the name of the publisher for the book. There are times when it is not necessary to include the publisher in a citation. For web sites, when the name of the site matches the name of the...
Use the following template to cite a book using the NLM citation style. Reference List Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment. Template: 1. Author Surname Author Initial. Title. City: Publisher; Year Published. p. Pages Used. ...