Cite your sourceIn-text Citation Structure (Author Last Name Page #) Example (Bahr 6B)When citing a newspaper article found on a databaseCity: You do NOT need to include the [City] name if The city name is in the name of the newspaper. It is a national or international newspaper. ...
When you’re writing aresearch paperor another type of academic work usingMLA format, it’s critical that you properly cite your sources. Citations are an important part of adhering to MLA format, and not doing so could have consequences. At best, it could mean points off your grade. At ...
2002, Accessed 4 May 2009. URLs: As mentioned above, while the eighth edition recommends including URLs when you cite online sources, you should always check with your instructor or editor and include URLs at their discretion. DOIs: A DOI, or digital object identifier...
To cite a newspaper article you accessed through a database, just include the usual information for a print newspaper, followed by the name of the database in italics. MLA format Author last name, First name.“Article Title.” Newspaper Name, Day Month Year, p. Page number. Database Name...
In some cases, a container might be within a larger container. You might have read a book of short stories onGoogle Books, or watched a television series onNetflix. You might have found the electronic version of a journal on JSTOR. It is important to cite these containers within containers...
Getting more specific • If you are using two or more sources by the same author: Please use the following method for your citation: (Author’s last name “Article” page number) ex: (Wade “Stem Cells” 34) • If you don’t know the authors name, cite the agency or group who ...
Citing a Journal Article in MLA (found in databases)The following are examples of how to cite a journal in MLA 9, both in text and as a full reference in the Works Cited. These were all found via a database.Note that “Date Accessed” is the day that the journal article was found ...
It is very important to cite the sources correctly. Incorrect citations can lead to low grades because plagiarism remnants. Sourcing citations is a lengthy procedure, without using the automated tool like MLA reference generator; it can take up to a lot of time. Using the MLA reference format...
How to Cite a Reprinted Article. Reprinted articles can be good sources for research papers, but citing them can be a bit tricky. Before you can cite reprinted articles correctly, first choose a citation style --- Modern Language Association (MLA) and Am
If you are accessing a print journal article, then you will need just one container for publication information.If the journal does not use volume numbers, cite the issue numbers only. Pasquaretta, Paul. “On the Indianness’ of Bingo: Gambling and the Native American Community.”Critical Inq...