Web page with an organization author Entire website Social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram Web page with multiple authors Web page with no known author If you’re trying to cite a website in MLA, the Chegg Writing MLA citation generator could help. Help protect your paper against accident...
Example:Sabat…(Sabat) If you need more information on how tocite websites in MLA, check out the full-length EasyBib guide!Or,take the guesswork out of forming your references and try the EasyBib automatic MLA citation machine! Need anAPA citation websiteor help with another popular referencing...
MLA stands for the Modern Language Association, an organization that focuses on language and literature. Depending on which subject area your class or research focuses on, your professor may ask you to cite your sources in MLA style. This is a specific way to cite, following the Modern Languag...
According to the APA website,AI citations in APAshould be treated as an “algorithm’s output.” You cite the company that built it as the author, the name of the AI as the title, and the year you interacted with it as the date of publication. You should also include the version yo...
Example:Epstein, Rachel. Eating Habits and Disorders. Philadelphia: Chelsea, 2000. Print.Parenthetical Documentation:(Epstein 14).BOOK FROM A SERIES WITH A N A UTHOR FOR EA CH CHA PTER Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Book. Editor. City of Publication: Publisher, Year ...
To cite a newspaper article in MLA style, list the author, title, name of the newspaper, date of publication, and URL (for online articles) or page number (for print articles). Use the interactive example below to explore the format. You can also use Scribbr’s free MLA Citation ...
If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Caulfield, J. (2024, March 05). How to Cite an Image in MLA | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved...
Article from an online database (or other electronic subscription service) Cite online databases (e.g., LexisNexis, ProQuest, JSTOR, ScienceDirect) and other subscription services as containers. Thus, provide the title of the database italicized before the DOI (https://doi.org/10.1111/00.00000000...
When you cite an online source, the MLA Handbook recommends including a date of access on which you accessed the material, since an online work may change or move at any time. Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 16 Aug....
Example (Marsh and Gill 56) View Screenshot |Cite your source Works Cited MLA Handbook.9th ed., Modern Language Association of America, 2021. “When should I include an access date for an online work?”MLA Style Center, Modern Language Association, 29 Dec. 2016, style.mla.org/access-dates...