humanity,humankind human-computer interactionworkforce, workersGladys Yangparenting, nurturinga police officer a postal worker a poet a president 错误(按字母排序):boys and girls(指大学生)a chairmana female researchera fireman a male nurseman, mankind man-machine interactionmanpowerMrs. Yang...
The basic guidelines for many types of citations are listed below. To see more, visit MLA Citations on theExcelsior OWL website,Purdue OWL website, or inthis citation guide from Santa Fe College. Print Books with a Single Author If you are accessing a print book, then you will need jus...
The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Last edited date. Web. Date of access. 对于网络信息,MLA 不再要求给出详细网址,但你必须在你访问网址的时间之前注明“Web”作为出版标记。如:作者姓,名. “文章名”. 网站,最后编辑日月年. Web. 访问日月年. Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli...
The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Lastedited date. Web. Date of aess. 对于网络信息,MLA 不再要求给出详细网址,但你必须在你访问网址的时间之前注明“Web”作为出版标记。如:作者姓,名. “文章名”. 网站,最后日月年. Web. 访问日月年. Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "...
Translated by A. Clarke, HarperCollins, 1993. How to Cite E-Books in MLA Format To cite an e-book, you should use the standard format for book citations and specify the e-book identity in the version section. Follow this template: Author’s last name, first name. Title. Title of con...
How to Cite the Purdue OWL in MLA: Entire Website The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2008. Web. 27 Dec. 2008. Individual Resources Purdue OWL. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 10 May 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2008. All Sections in MLA 2009 Fo...
UsingModernLanguageAssociation(MLA)FormatbythePurdueUniversityOnlineWritingLab GeneralRulesforCitingElectronicSources Whenlistinganonlinesourceoriginallyprintedinabookorjournalorotherprintedformat,usethegeneralguidelinesyouwouldusetocitetheprintedform.Thenfollowitwithinformati...