Encyclopedia Britannica. 8 May 1998 <eb.com:180>. 注意:本例中“Vers. 98.2”为版本,“April 1998”为出版日期,“Encyclopedia Britannica”为出版人。 1.4.7 参考文献的排列 参考文献的排列无论在MLA规范里都必须遵循以下几条规则: (1)文献条目按作者或第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排列。汉语文献与英语文献应排列...
其次,文内引用不应干扰正文写作:It should be unobtrusive: provide the citation information without interrupting your own text. 最后,一般而言需要用到引用文章的姓氏(注意,是姓氏,不是名字,也不是名字+姓氏!)、页码并且放在括号中(注意,用半角的括号好吗各位同学,不要用中文的那种超大的括号!!)。In general,...
Citing an entire encyclopedia entry in MLA style In-text citation templates and examples: Parenthetical: (Author’s Surname) (Coyle) Works cited entry template and example: Author’s Surname, First Name, editor. Title of the Encyclopedia. Publisher, Publication Year. Coyle, Martin, editor. Encycl...
Parenthetical citation is used to reveal the source for a line or lines used in a paper. This allows the reader to learn which author/text is being used for a particular piece of information. For example, if you are writing a paper about integration in schools in our country, you ...
To cite an encyclopedia entry in MLA style, you need to have basic information including the authors, entry, editors, publication year, title of the encyclopedia, publisher, and page numbers. The templates for in-text citations and works-cited-list entries of an encyclopedia entry, along with...
1.文内引用格式(In-Text Citations) 文内引用是指在论文中对其它文献内容进行直引用或对文献中的某些观点、内容进行诠释。以下部分将简要介绍文内引用时可能遇到的情况及其相应的处理方法。 (1) 基本引用格式(Basic In-Text Citation Rules) 根据MLA格式的要求,如引用他人作品,应该用“文内/括号内引用法(parenthet...
An in-text citation is a general citation of where presented information came from. In MLA, an in-text citation can be displayed in two different ways: In the prose As a parenthetical citation While the two ways are similar, there are slight differences. However, for both ways, you’ll ...
1. Directory to APA in-text citation models(文中的资源引用格式)。即在文中至少要在引用资源的同时写出资源的作者及时间。对于直接引用或者概括性的资源,标明页码也是需要的。称作in-text APA 2. Directory to APA references(文后的索引格式)。在整个文章之后,需要按字母顺序将所引用的资源列出称为:reference ...
1. ⽂中夹注(Parenthetical Citation) 论文MLA格式详解(参考) 论文MLA 格式详解 论文MLA 格式详解 因为学术论文的格式有严谨要求,所以也找了相关资料。下面是我 搜集整理的的针对 MLA 格式最详细的解说,还有举例。 MLA论文的如果句子中已经提供了作者的信息两个或...
Pages. Print.Encyclopedia: A book or a series of books used for reference on a range of materials or numerous information typically around one subject Karen McGhee and George McKayAuthorYear publishedPublisherCitation: McGhee, Karen, and George McKay. "Insects." Encyclopedia of Animals. Washington,...