In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. i.e. “A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afraid of herself sometimes” (Hawthorne 431). ...
Title. Title of container, Contributors, edition, e-book Number, Publisher, Year of Publication. Example: Troy, Ben N., et al. A Guide to Citation. 2nd ed, e-book, New York Publishers, 2010. How to Cite Articles in MLA Format Use the following format to cite articles from different ...
How do you create an MLA in-text citation for an e-book? Place the author’s last name and the quote chapter number in parenthesis after the borrowed quote or information. Example: “Feeling that Peter was on his way back, the Neverland had again woke into life” (Barrie ch. 5). ...
If a source is part of a numbered sequence, such as a multi-volume book, or journal with both volume and issue numbers, those numbers must be listed in your citation. Dolby, Nadine. “Research in Youth Culture and Policy: Current Conditions and Future Directions.” Social Work and Society:...
Parenthetical citations vs. narrative citations APA citation examples APA in-text citation examples APA citation examples: Book APA citation examples: Journal Article APA citation examples: Website APA citation examples: Video APA citation examples: AI MLA citation examples MLA in-text citation examples...
In-Text Citation MLA格式采用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合。 1. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. i.e. “A lone woman is ...
The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过三行,则引用整段。整段引用另起一行,双倍行距,自页边空白整体缩进一英寸(2.54厘米),不用引号,末尾添加引用来源(作者姓空格页码)。 15. If you delete words from the original quote, insert an ellipsis, ...
The main elements of a dissertation citation in MLA are the same as those for a book. Conclude with an indication of the document type (e.g., “PhD dissertation”). The degree-granting institution may be included before the document type (though this is not required). If the dissertation...
Book Citation Tips Citing a Book in MLA, APA, and Chicago Styles Citation styles are just different guidelines on how to document your sources. You should use them whenever you quote,paraphrase, or summarize a source. Your professor or publisher will tell you what citation format to use. ...
Indent the quote ½ inch or five spaces from the left margin for the entire quote (not just the first line). Do not use quotation marks. Double space the quote. Put the parenthetical citationafterthe final punctuation mark in the quote. ...