If a source is part of a numbered sequence, such as a multi-volume book, or journal with both volume and issue numbers, those numbers must be listed in your citation. Dolby, Nadine. “Research in Youth Culture and Policy: Current Conditions and Future Directions.” Social Work and Society:...
The basic APA poetry citation rules will require adding the following information: As you cite a poem, your quoted text must implement quotation marks just like for any other source. Author's last name must be cited along with the year of publication, placed in parenthesis. If you have a p...
Parenthetical Citations MLA Examples The example below is from a poem found online, titled “The Last Time.” The poem’s author is unknown. “From the moment you hold your baby in your arms you will never be the same. You might long for the person you were before, when you had freed...
You’re putting the finishing touches on an essay about your favorite poem. You’re feeling good, maybe even a little proud of the insights you’ve packed into your paper. But then you ask yourself, “How do I quote poetry correctly?” Or worse, “What even is a poem citation?” Sudd...
The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过三行,则引用整段。整段引用另起一行,双倍行距,自页边空白整体缩进一英寸(2.54厘米),不用引号,末尾添加引用来源(作者姓空格页码)。 15. If you delete words from the original quote, insert an ellipsis, ...
1.The thesis is written in English, including the citation.( 全文用英文书写, 包括引用文献。) 2.What are some essential standard of a MLA paper? (MLA 论文基本要求)Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper. Set the margins of your thesis to...
An MLA website citation includes author, page title, website name, date and URL. The in-text citation is just the author's last name. 553 How to cite a poem in MLA When quoting poetry in MLA, you have to correctly format the quote and cite the poet's name. Include page or line...
citation style. Always be consistent and use the same citation style throughout your paper. April 2007 Citing Books General Format Author#1LastName, FirstName(s), and Author#2FirstName(s), Last name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of publication. Single Author...
If you’re citing a source that’s not a book, such as a documentary film or poem, you can use a different location marker, such as a timestamp or line number, instead of the page number. To expedite the entire citation process, you can also use our free citation generator for both...