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ML decoder for double-differential diagonal unitary STBCBhatnagarM.R.HjorungnesA.ELECTRONICS LETTERS- IEE
therelay.Inthispaper,wederiveamaximum-likelihood(ML) decoderfortheDFprotocolutilizingarbitrarycomplex-valued constellationsincludingM-PSK,M-PAM,andM-QAM.Aset- upofasinglepairofsourceanddestinationwithonerelay isstudied.Thesourceandtherelayutilizeorthogonaluncoded transmissions.TherelayperformsMLdecodingandforwards...
Using ML-Decoder, we achieve state-of-the-art results on several classification tasks: on MS-COCO multi-label, we reach 91.4% mAP; on NUS-WIDE zero-shot, we reach 31.1% ZSL mAP; and on ImageNet single-label, we reach with vanilla ResNet50 backbone a new top score of 80.7%, ...
In this paper we propose a novel zero-forcing maximum likelihood (ZF-ML) decoder for symbol detection with reduced search space in Alamouti's space-time block coding (STBC) scheme over time-selective fading channels. Once the channel is time-varying in nature, the channel coefficients vary from...
Legalese Decoder是一款基于AI人工智能自然语言处理NLP和机器学习ML技术的在线工具,它能够将复杂的法律文件转换成易于理解的语言版本。
命名空間: Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers 組件: Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.dll 套件: Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers v0.20.1 取得或設定 Tokenizer 所使用的解碼器。 C# 複製 public Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.TokenizerDecoder? Decoder { get; set; } 屬性值 TokenizerDecoder 適用於 產品版本 ML.NET 2.0.0 ...
程序集: Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers.dll 包: Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers v0.21.1 获取或设置 Tokenizer 正在使用的解码器。 C# publicMicrosoft.ML.Tokenizers.TokenizerDecoder? Decoder {get;set; } 属性值 TokenizerDecoder 适用于 产品版本 ML.NETPreview
Moreover, the proposed decoder structure achieves up to 90.6% ~99. 9 % complexity saving without sacrificing the error rate performance, compared with the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) decoder implemented by the exhaustive search. 展开 关键词: diversity reception error statistics maximum likelihood ...
In this paper, a generalization of tree-search algorithms with maximum likelihood (ML) error rate performance for the detection in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is presented. The Schnorr-Euchner sphere decoder, Djikstra's algorithm applied to MIMO detection, and an ML- optimal vari...