综上所述,解决“mkswap: command not found”问题的关键是确认mkswap命令的存在性,并确保它可以通过环境变量PATH被正确访问。如果命令不存在,通过包管理器安装它即可。
It provides options to perform various tasks. If you encounter the below error while running the mkswap command: mkswap: command not found you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution: mkswap Command Examples 1. To make the swap: # mkswap /dev/sdf 2. To chec...
solairs10上应该是没有mkswap这个命令的,Linux上才有,其他命令找不到看看echo $PATH的结果,是否是你的环境变量设置不全。Solaris10可以用如下方法实现:1)建立swap文件mkfile 48G /var/swapfile 2)加入到系统swap里swap -a /var/swapfile 3)查看swapswap -l root@localhost:~ # swap -l swap...
To setup a swap file, it is necessary to create that file before initializing it with mkswap , e.g. using a command like # dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=65536 Note that a swap file must not contain any holes (so, using cp(1) to create the file is not acceptable)....
Check the device (if it is a block device) for bad blocks before creating the swap area. If any are found, the count is printed. -f Force - go ahead even if the command is stupid. This allows the creation of a swap area larger than the file or partition it resides on. On SPARC...
Every thing works fine but after swapoff command swapon shows no directory found, how can I make the changes to reflect even after the swapon [root@localhost thor_client]# swapon -s Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/mapper/vg-lv_swap partition 35028988 180724 0 ...