The UK's largest independent builders merchants. Explore our range of building materials, timber, landscaping, plumbing, heating, bathroom, kitchens and more. Open to trade and public. Open a trade account today for great terms and benefits.
The UK's largest independent builders merchants. Explore our range of building materials, timber, landscaping, plumbing, heating, bathroom, kitchens and more. Open to trade and public. Open a trade account today for great terms and benefits.
Made for Trade Register today and start saving Trusted Local Experts Talk to our specialists in branch Home About MKM The UKs fastest growing builders' merchant MKM is the UK’s leading independent builder’s merchant, with branches across England, Scotland & Wales. Founded in 1995, we have br...
The UK's largest independent builders merchants. Explore our range of building materials, timber, landscaping, plumbing, heating, bathroom, kitchens and more. Open to trade and public. Open a trade account today for great terms and benefits.
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