4、自己写的FFT方案 cdata=(complex *)malloc(sizeof(complex)*Nx*Nz_c); t0=clock(); rc2dfft(rdata,cdata,Nz_r,Nx,Nz_r,Nz_c,sign); t1=clock(); 5、开源FFTW3 fftwf_complex *fftw_out=(fftwf_complex *)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex)*Nx*Nz_c); fftwf_plan plan=fftwf_plan_d...
在Intel CPU上,MKL的性能要远高于Eigen, 虽然OpenBLAS和其差距不是太大,但OpenBLAS提供的函数太少。 下面,简单介绍一些C环境下常用的MKL矩阵运算函数。主要使用单精度浮点数据操作 字符关键字 数据类型关键字: s: real, single precision,实数单精度 c: complex, single precision,复数单精度 d: real, double prec...
#include<stdio.h>#defineMKL_ILP64// in order to use size_t instead of MKL_INT#if1// to use user-defined MKL_INT and MKL_Complex16#defineFLEXCOMPLEXtypedefsize_t INT;#defineMKL_INT INT// this tells MKL about user's MKL_INT type#ifdef_WIN32#include<complex>typedefstd::...
mkl_?geqrf_compact mkl_?getrinp_compact Syntax Description Input Parameters Output Parameters Numerical Limitations for Compact BLAS and Compact LAPACK Routines mkl_?get_size_compact mkl_get_format_compact mkl_?gepack_compact mkl_?geunpack_compact Inspector-executor Sparse BLAS Routines ...
*** end subroutine fft_u_to_uf subroutine fft_uf_to_u(z,u,nl,ur,ui) dimension z(0:nl*2-1),u(0:nl*2-1) dimension ur(0:nl*2-1),ui(0:nl*2-1) double complex fin(0:nl*2-1) double precision fout(0:nl*2-1),uu(0:nl*2-1),dtemp integer iplan ! iplan=0 nl2=nl*2...
s:real, single precision,单精度实数 c:complex, single precision,单精度复数 d:real, double precision,双精度实数 z:complex, double precision,双精度复数 常用矩阵类型关键字: ge:general matrix,一般矩阵 gb:general band matrix,一般带状矩阵 sy:symmetric matrix,对称矩阵 sp:symmetric matrix (packed storage...
While progress has been made towards methods that can be computed more efficiently, considerably less attention has been devoted to big data methods that allow the description of complex relationships between several outcomes recorded at high resolutions by different sensors. Our Bayesian multivariate ...
1. Data type is MKL_Complex16. 2. DRAM capacity is 128 GB. 3. Array size to be processed is over DRAM capacity, so the array is divided to multiple smaller arrays and each divided array is calculated convolution. The processed data are saved to disk. After convolut...
DFTI_CONJUGATE_EVEN_STORAGE = DFTI_COMPLEX_COMPLEX Create DFTI descriptor Set configuration: out-of-place Set configuration: CCE storage Commit the descriptor Allocate data arrays Initialize data for real-to-complex FFT Compute forward transform Verify the result Check if err i...
To test the hypothesis that mitotic kinesin-like protein 2 (MKLP2) is a chromosomal passenger complex (CPC)-transporting motor, we first mapped the interaction between them. The CPC consists of INCENP, Survivin, Borealin, and Aurora B [11], and previous work suggested that the C-terminal hal...