Vik Tailor opened the first Mki Miyuki Zoku concept store in Leeds back in 2010 with the aim to introduce new styles and designers to the city’s style cognoscenti. Since then, the brand has shifted from curation to creation with its collections
MKI MIYUKI-ZOKU Uniform branded-print cotton-blend hoody Price:$101.00 2Colours MKI MIYUKI-ZOKU Uniform branded-print cotton-jersey T-shirt Price:$62.00 3Colours MKI MIYUKI-ZOKU Uniform brand-print cotton-blend shorts Price:$93.00 2Colours ...
Japanese-inspired, label MKI MIYUKI ZOKU releases a cosy line-up of upgraded athleisure that is primed for casual outings as well as building your selection of streetwear. Cut from cotton, this relaxed-fit crewneck stays true to the brand’s minimalist s
Shop MKI Miyuki Zoku Black Nylon Parka for Men at HBX Now. Free Shipping available. 30-Day Return Policy. Shop Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Accessories, Home & Lifestyle, and more from our selected streetwear & contemporary designer brands. Sign up to our HBX
MKI MIYUKI-ZOKU MENS Founded by Leeds local Vik Taylor in 2010, MKI Miyuki-Zoku, or MKI for short, may have roots in the North of England but it has expanded further afield, now residing at the forefront of streetwear not just in the UK - but across the pond too. When it comes...
来自英国利兹的知名时尚选货店 MKI 近年来也走上发展自家同名品牌的道路,诸如近日为冬季特别推出的“MKI Miyuki Zoku” 羽绒服系列,就挺帅。 结合鸭绒以及羽毛的双重保温性能,MKI 的这个 Duck Down Collection 包含背心马甲、夹克式衬里和连帽外套三种款型,每件服装均采取全黑色调,版型蓬松,但整体挺刮有型。整个...
mki miyuki zoku是来自法国的男潮品牌,产品包括T恤、帽子、外衣、外套、衬衫、裙子、针织衫、裤子、风衣、配饰等。男装(men's clothing)拼音 nán zhuānɡ:衣服即穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的制品,其同义词有“衣服”和“衣裳”。中国古代称“上衣下裳”。最广义的衣物除了躯干与四肢的遮蔽物之外,...
Mki Miyuki Zoku飞行员夹克¥1865.95 可获得¥111.96返利 Farfetch 发发奇官网直供,返利6.0% 支持国内信用卡 支持PayPal国际版 支持转运 可直邮 去购物,拿6.0%返利 ! 下单前温馨提示: 购买礼品卡或使用礼品卡支付的订单均无法获得返利;使用非本站提供的折扣码购物无法获得返利。建议您在电脑端使用Chrome浏览器...
商标名称 MKI MIYUKI ZOKU 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 变更商标申请人/注册人名义/地址 申请/注册号 31044755 申请日期 2018-05-21 申请人名称(中文) 兴宁市碧云品牌管理有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省梅州市兴宁市兴南大道毅德城二号交易广场17栋6号商铺201室(仅作办公场使用...
MKI MIYUKI ZOKU App. Shop the latest in accessible, contemporary menswear. MKI MIYUKI ZOKU [pronounced M-K-I Mee-you-key Zo-ku] is a globally renowned, premium contemporary menswear brand. MKI designs highly developed, yet accessible menswear, focusing on fabric, fit, and functionality. EXCL...