See the FSType-specific manual page of mkfs (for example, mkfs_ufs (1M)) for a detailed description. OPTIONS The following are the generic options for mkfs: -F Specify the FSType to be constructed. If -F is not specified, the FSType is determined from /etc/vfstab by matching the raw...
mkfs.btrfs - Man Page create a btrfs filesystem Examples (TL;DR) Create a btrfs filesystem on a single device: sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata single --data single /dev/sda Create a btrfs filesystem on multiple devices with raid1: sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata raid1 --data raid1 /dev/sda ...
mkfs 中文man页面 作者:所罗门 2011-08-23 13:43:38系统mkfs mkfs 用来在指定设备创建一个 Linux 文件系统,通常是在硬盘上。 文件系统 既可以是设备名,(如: /dev/hda1, /dev/sdb2) 也可以是文件系统的挂载点,(如: /, /usr, /home)。块 是指该文件系统用的块数。NAME...
galloc feature is enabled. (See the ext4 (5) man page for more details about bigalloc.) The default cluster size if bigalloc is enabled is 16 times the block size. -d root-directory Copy the contents of the given directory into the root directory of the filesystem. -D Use direct I/O...
dosfstools_4.2-1.1build1_amd64 NAME mkfs.fat - create an MS-DOS FAT filesystem SYNOPSIS mkfs.fat[OPTIONS]DEVICE[BLOCK-COUNT] DESCRIPTION mkfs.fatis used to create a FAT filesystem on a device or in an image file.DEVICEis the special file corresponding to the device (e.g. /dev/sdXX)...
galloc feature is enabled.(See the ext4(5)man pageformore details about bigalloc.)The default cluster sizeifbigalloc is enabled is16timesthe block size. -d root-directory Copy the contents of the given directory into the root directory
util-linux_2.31.1-0.4ubuntu3.7_amd64 NAME mkfs.cramfs - make compressed ROM file system SYNOPSIS mkfs.cramfs[options]directoryfile DESCRIPTION Files on cramfs file systems are zlib-compressed one page at a time to allow random read access. The metadata is not compressed, but is expressed in ...
决议 In order to create the filesystem use the -K option with mkfs command. It will disables the block discard at creating time. More information on mkfs man page: Raw -K Keep, do not attempt to discard blocks at mkfs time ...
bigalloc feature is enabled. (See the ext4 (5) man page for more details about bigalloc.) The default cluster size if bigalloc is enabled is 16 times the block size. -D Use direct I/O when writing to the disk. This avoids mke2fs dirtying a lot of buffer cache memory, which may im...
分区中的文件名看起来很奇怪,那您就得再添两个可选项:‘iocharset’和‘codepage’。默认下,‘mount’用‘iso8859-1’字符集和 codepage 437 。修改后,可以实现字符转换。man charsets 列出了可用的字符集,将 codepage 设成 850 (codepage=850)就可以解决一些问题。