mkdir: cannot create directory ‘mydir’: File exists$ chmod 777 mydir$ ls -ldrwxrwxrwx 2 user user 4096 Sep 11 11:11 mydir“` 4. 使用`-p`选项:如果你想要递归地创建多个目录,并且其中一个目录已经存在,你可以在`mkdir`命令中使用`-p`选项。这样,命令会自动忽略已经存在的目录,并创建不存在的...
l:符号链接文件(symbolic link file),也叫软连接。p:命名管道文件(pipe)s:套接字文件(socket)rwx:写,写执行。r--:能读,不能写不能执行。文件硬连接的次数:权限后面的数字表示文件硬链接的次数。文件的属主(owner)文件的属组(group)文件大小(size):默认单位字节。
if [ -e $IMG_DIR/${NEWVM}.img ]; then echo "File exists." #镜像已存在 exit 68 fi echo -en "Creating Virtual Machine disk image...\t" #提示正在创建... qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $IMG_DIR/.${BASEVM}.img $IMG_DIR/${NEWVM}.img &> /dev/null #创建前端盘 echo -e "\...
Source File:shell.tsFrom command-bot with Apache License 2.05votes ensureDir =async(dir:string) => {//mkdirdoesn't throw an error if the directory already existsawaitmkdir(dir, { recursive:true})returndir } Example #11 Source File:sapio.tsFrom sapio-studio with Mozilla Public License 2.05vot...
Expand Up@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func NewLog(log_file_name string) *LogStruct { logDir:=path.Dir(log_file_name) ok,_:=PathExists(logDir) if!ok{ iferr:=os.MkdirAll(logDir,0666);err!=nil{ iferr:=os.MkdirAll(logDir,0700);err!=nil{ ...
Note: When you use the > or 2> character and the file that you are redirecting data to already exists, the file is overwritten and any data in that file is lost. If you do not want to overwrite the file, ensure that you use the >> or 2>> character. You can use the following ...
mkdir(file) catch err io = IOBuffer() showerror(io, err) @test startswith(String(take!(io)), "SystemError (with $file): mkdir:") @test startswith(String(take!(io)), "IOError: mkdir: file already exists (EEXIST)") end end 0 comments on commit 06d6b8e Please sign in to comm...
/** * @param outDri 输出目录 * @param fileName 文件名 * @param text 命令文本 */ private void createBat(File outDri, String fileName, String text) { if (!outDri.exists()) { FileUtils.mkdir(outDri.getPath()); } File file = new File(outDri, fileName); try (FileWriter w = ne...
FileAlreadyExistsException, FileNotFoundException,UnresolvedLinkException,IOException{ InodeTree.ResolveResult<AbstractFileSystem>res= fsState.resolve(getUriPath(dir),false); res.targetFileSystem.mkdir(res.remainingPath,permission,createParent); }
p.assert_any_call({"id": x,"category":"file","target":"","options": {},"package":None,"custom":None, }) 开发者ID:neveralso,项目名称:cuckoo,代码行数:35,代码来源 示例4: test_bson_limit ▲点赞 1▼ deftest_bson_limit(self):set_cwd(tempfile.mkdtemp()) ...