Asset turnover is used as the fifth operating performance measure. The last operating performance measure is a ratio which divides operating cash flows by total assets. Underpricing is taken as the raw initial return from the offering price to the market price at the end of the first trading ...
麦澜德(688273.SH)2024年5月29日发布消息称,2024年5月27日麦澜德接受Brilliance Asset Management Limited等机构调研,董事长、总经理:杨瑞嘉;副总... 工信部 收购 并购 股权 深圳一粟医疗科技有限公司 苏州欧宝祥精密科技有限公司 腾讯新闻2024-05-30 15:33 南京麦澜德医疗科技股份有限公司关于获得政府补助的公...