Sub-Zero - Adjusted the hit region of Chill Out (Fatal Blow)Shao Kahn - Fixed a visual issue with Shao Shimmy (Towards + Front Kick) when done in flip stance Shao Kahn - You Will Never Win (Towards + Front Kick, Back Kick) now has 5 less blockstun frames, can now be 2in1 cance...
To use file swaps (like moveset swap), create a folder calledMKSwapin the root folder (Mortal Kombat 11 Folder), and inside it create a new folder similar to the file that you are copying. Example, to swap Rain's Friendship with Subzero, copyAsset/RAIN_A_FRIENDSHIP.xxxinto/MKSwap/Asset...
Sub-Zero- Adjusted the hit region of Chill Out (Fatal Blow) Shao Kahn- Fixed a visual issue with Shao Shimmy (Towards + Front Kick) when done in flip stance Shao Kahn- You Will Never Win (Towards + Front Kick, Back Kick) now has 5 less blockstun frames, can now be 2in1 cancelled...