Played Mostly on Steam Deck Showing10reviews that match the filters above(Mixed) Most Helpful ReviewsIn the past 30 days Jake The Creeper 62 products in account 39 reviews Recommended Posted: 25 October You forgot the Ketchup bud Was this review helpful?
To be honest, I don't think there's been any decent background music in an MK game since the 3d era (Except mk9, but that doesn't count cos most of it was just updated classics). I disagree with you guys. They really made it sound great this time around. I love the teahouse...
So yeah, I think it depends on what you're talking about. The game doesn't seem like it'll feel like MK9, but there are lots of elements of MK9 that are reappearing, and I think that's what most people mean. again... all the people that played it so far said it is a "...
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For some characters, Cyrax defeats the whole purpose of the Kameo system because he can just do all things combined. The flip side is Sub-Zero, that unless you're the ultimate character loyalist, there isn't much reason to play him. The nerf after the beta was a huge over-correction ...