MK350D Features Specifications Download Wing WiFi SD Card APP MK350D Spectrometer The MK350D is a lightweight, portable, easy-to-operate LED meter with Micro SDCard data storage. This product has basic features for fast, easy Light Measurements. ...
The MK350D is a lightweight, portable, easy-to-operate LED meter with Micro SDCard data storage. This product has basic features for fast, easy Light Measurements.
The MK350D is a lightweight, portable, easy-to-operate spectrometer with BLE remote control operations and SD card data storage. This product has basic features…
MK-420D161105 2016-11-07 14:24 02:26 161103MK-60YB圆角 2016-11-03 16:50 01:11 Biscuit counting packing machine 2016-11-02 12:50 01:37 161027MK-T80 2016-10-27 17:41 01:10 MK-350D 2016-10-22 09:28 03:26 MK-60PB161019 2016-10-20 14:08 01:55 161018MK-LS4 2016-10-20 ...
The MK350D is a lightweight, portable, easy-to-operate spectrometer with BLE remote control operations and SD card data storage. This product has basic features for fast, easy lighting readings, as well as advanced light analytics, and efficient work-flow features for lighting production environmen...
Compact MK350D 号称史上最迷你的手持式光谱仪,除外型轻巧时尚外,内建27 种光源量测单位,如色温、照度、显色性、CIE1976 u’, v’、CIE1931 x,y、光谱图、Percent Flicker 等, 非常适合讲求时效的设计师及业务在进行灯具解说时,透过量化光源仪器并实时检测,加速双方沟通效率。
< > 产品应用 技术参数 UPRtek MK350D手持式分光光譜計 UPRtek Compact MK350D於2014年發佈。重量只有(70g),輕巧易攜帶。光量測單位超過27種,色溫、照度、顯色性、CIE1976 u’, v、CIE1931 x, y、光譜圖分析、Percent Flicker 等。目前,MK350D是世界上最小和最輕的藍牙智能控製手持式光譜儀和閃爍計。
The MK350D is a lightweight, portable, easy-to-operate spectrometer with BLE remote control operations and SD card data storage. This product has basic features for fast, easy lighting readings, as well as advanced light analytics, and efficient work-flow features for lighting production environmen...