MK Sound Movie 卫星影院系统 MK MOVIE 系列 由3只K5做左中右音箱,两只K4T三面发声音箱做环绕音箱,配合KX-10低音炮组成5.1家庭影院系统。 我是一幅卫星箱的身板,但不是小声板[哈哈][围观]不信就来瞧瞧!!
品牌:MK SOUND 型号:MOVIE 类型:家庭影院音箱 箱体材质:木质 音箱接口:S/PD输入 音箱结构:密封式 失真率:0.05% 信噪比:90dB 阻抗:4Ω 额定功率:200W 额定频率:100 Hz-200Hz±2.5dBHZ 产地:中国 颜色:黑色 外形尺寸:187×123×152mm 重量:15kg
英特莫特 mk5 耳机用户手册说明书 User Manual mk5 series English
Style:Heng Long HL 3958-1 ISR Merkava MK IV CNC Metal IR Smoke 1/16;Description:Crawler Sound TK 7.0 Track Radio Control RC Battle Tank Hobby Toy;State of Assembly:Ready-to-Go;Control Channels:12 Channels & Up;Package Includes:Original Box;Package Includ
hps+80/I/GF/OS/K5 huebner-giessen iC212NST ibp ibp Elektronik ic212 indo-sol industra ipf electronic gmbh ismet AG isoloc? judo kjellberg land laserpoint激光功率计 limatherm linde lithoprotect loreme lumentum lutze magnet-schultz magnetor maier-heidenheim mannesmann-demag masosine matuschek maxi-cosi...
(0x00007fa541226000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa540ff3000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa540ddd000) /lib64/ (0x00007fa542c57000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa540bcd000) lib...
K5版本需要NI Kontakt完整的v5.7.3和更高! 主页 When recording a Rhodes piano, nearly all, (or all?), instruments that has been recorded for a sampled instrument are lined. That means that you take the signal from the instrument, and...
1×12: inspired by 1965 Fender™ Deluxe Reverb™ amp loaded with one 12″ Oxford™ 12K5-6 speaker. 1×12*: inspired by Zilla™ Fatbaby™ closed back cabinet loaded with one 12″ Celestion™ Vintage30™ speaker. 2×12: inspired by 1966 VOX...
JBL NANO K5专业录音棚工作室5寸有源监听音箱 距您较近 深圳市音悦荟网络科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥6000.00/台 北京 CAVAV930K5.1家庭影院音响套装无线环绕蓝牙组合音箱 全国联保 CAV品牌 北京恒永盛经贸有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 广东深圳 BIAMP IC6-1062WR00全天候6.5"两分频全频扬声器 原COMMUNITY...
APPLICATION NOTE R8C/3MK Group USB-to-Serial Communication Conversion Demo Board R0K5R8C3MDU30BR Instruction Manual R01AN1051EJ0100 Rev.1.00 Mar 21, 2012 Introduction This document is an instruction manual for the R0K5R8C3MDU30BR that enables USB-to-Serial communication conversion using the ...