MK Restaurant Group Public Company Limited (MKRGF) growth grade and underlying metrics. Quant Ratings, revenue growth, EBITDA, EPS, cash flow, ROE, compounded, charts, and stocks comparison.
申请人: MK餐厅集团大众有限公司;MKRESTAURANTGROUPPUBLICCOMPANYLIMITED 办理/代理机构: 中国贸促会专利商标事务所有限公司 商标进度 注册申请 1995-01-14 初审公告 1996-09-21 已注册 1996-12-21 终止 2026-12-20 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 MK 国际分类 第42类-网站服务 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/...
MK RESTAURANTS领土延伸 申请/注册号:G1555410申请日期:2020-10-15国际分类:第43类-餐饮住宿商标申请人:MKRESTAURANTGROUPPUBLICCOMPANYLIMITED办理/代理机构:柜台办理 RESTAURANTS MK商标注册申请 申请/注册号:19377253申请日期:2016-03-22国际分类:第43类-餐饮住宿商标申请人:马秋彬办理/代理机构:柜台办理爱...
The restaurant’s food selection showcases the vibrant tastes of Northern California’s local harvest and fine-tuned consistency of tastes and appearances. As the seasons shift, the menu evolves to feature the best, highest-quality ingredients, giving patrons a vibrant and ever-changing dining exper...
The Best Restaurant In Nevada City With Private Wedding Venue For a Public Event Stone House dining establishment is widely considered as the top dining establishment in Nevada City. Its exclusive wedding area has made it a highly popular option for different celebrations. Overall, it has ...
The driver picked up our family of four at a restaurant, took us to get our stored luggage, and drove us to Narita. The trip was far and the price matched, however, I had piece of mind that we would arrive at the airport in a timely manner to catch ...
On June 28, 2024, Tims China announced that it had secured an aggregate of up to USD65 million of financing and additional funding from its founding shareholders, Cartesian Capital Group, LLC (“Cartesian”) and Restaurant Brands International Inc. (“RBI” (NYSE: QSR)). The financing include...
Public Limited Company PLGS – Position Light Ground Signal PLJI – Position Light Junction Indicator PLOD – Patrolman's LockOut Device (Trackside staff protection system) PLRA – Private Locomotive Registration Agreement PLS – Position Light Signal PLUG – Pride Local User Group PM – (1) ...