Definition & Meaning of "MK"What does mk mean? View the definition of mk and all related slang terms containing mk below: mk : mmm...okUsage of MKThe abbreviation MK is frequently used in texting conversations to convey a general sense of agreement, often without a lot of enthusiasm or...
The definition of MK is "Mm OK" The Meaning of MK MK means "Mm OK" So now you know - MK means "Mm OK" - don't thank us.YW! What does MK mean? MK is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the MK definition is given. ...
Business & Finance (0) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning MKWS Milton Keynes Wargames Society MKWS Milton Keynes Wildlife Sites (UK) MKWS Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary (Myanmar; protected area) new search suggest new definition Abbrevi...
(Rule Book definition). On LUL, a king lever is one which, when all running signals are selected for a through route, can be pulled to put the signalling into automatic working, thereby allowing the signal box to be closed. Page 28 of 60 Rail Lexicon Mark 24, February 2011 Know How ...
Definition Stage PDT – Portable Data Terminal PEA – Passenger Emergency Alarm (LUL) PEARLS – Personnel Enquiries and Administration Recording Local System PEARS – Paladin data Extract And Recording System PEDROUTE – Passenger flow modelling tool PER – Portable (relocatable) Equipment Room PESRCY...