Superclass (Inherited from NSObject) SuperHandle Handle used to represent the methods in the base class for this NSObject. (Inherited from NSObject) Title Gets or sets the title for the annotation. Zone (Inherited from NSObject) Methods Laienda tabel ...
var target = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(37.7952, -122.4028); var viewPoint = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(37.8009, -122.4100); //Enable 3D buildings mapView.ShowsBuildings = true; mapView.PitchEnabled = true; var camera = MKMapCamera.CameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(target, viewPoint, 500); mapVi...
Føj til plan Del via Facebookx.comLinkedInMail Udskriv Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: MapKit Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll Base class for shape-based map annotations. C#Kopiér [Foundation.Register("MKShape", true)] [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS,9,2, ObjCRuntim...
Alignment I: In this process, each derivative was aligned to the template by rotation and translation so as to minimize the RMSD between atoms in the template and the corresponding atom in the analog using the "DATABASE ALIGN" option in SYBYL [35,36]. For the current work, the most ...
从nib 文件加载对象后调用。 重写程序必须调用 base。AwakeFromNib () 。 (继承自NSObject) BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action) 将特定位置与有意义的字符串 ((例如,街道地址)MKShape)关联的地图注释。 (继承自NSObject) BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject) ...
device display dlkm init jar-profiles media nfc overlay power product rootdir thermal-engine tools bdroid_buildcfg.h compatibility_matrix.xml config.fs privapp-permissions-qti.xml ...
当中2d是模块文件夹名。提示 库是一些没有main函数的程序代码的集合。...静态链接库是.a文件;Mac OS X和iOS等平台动态链接库文件是.dylib文件。静态链接库是.a文件。 68320 Android.mk语法解析 什么是 Android.mk是Android提供的一种makefile文件,用来指定诸如编译生成so库名、引用的头文件目录、需要...
...Android.mk与普通的makefile略有不同,Android.mk具有统一的写法,主要包含一些系统的公共的宏: Android.mk中选项参考以下文件路径: build/core/各个选项的默认值在以下文件中定义: build/core/ 在一个android.mk中也可以生成多个可执行程序,动态库,静态库。...LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRA...
Regions differing by only one base from the consensus are found at Ϫ1021, Ϫ224, Ϫ162, Ϫ137, and Ϫ74. The region from Ϫ169 to Ϫ112 contains seven tandem or overlapping repeats that differ by only one or two bases from the consensus TCE. The identification of regions in...