Mk15 PHALANX CLOSE-IN WEAPON SYSTEMFeatures the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System, a defense system against antiship missiles used by the U.S. Navy. Specifications of weapon; Magazine capacity; Firing rate.Sea Power
The MK 13 Mod 0 is a single shot manual pump action grenade launcher that fires 40mm grenades. It is an integral part of the SCAR weapon system that has been selected by SOCOM to replace a number of existing systems, including theM203 grenade launcher. The MK 13 Mod 0 can be fitted to...
Model 680、R9-0 Shotgun、725、Origin 12 Shotgun、VLK Rogue、JAK-12 轻机枪 PKM、SA87、M91、MG34、Holger-26、Bruen Mk9、FiNN LMG、RAAL MG 精确射手步枪 EBR-14、MK2 Carbine、Kar98k、Crossbow、SKS、SP-R 208 狙击步枪 Dragunov、HDR、AX-50、Rytec AMR ...
This makes the gun have a raw firepower 6% under that of the Special Carbine. Despite seeming like an insignificant upgrade, the 1 extra damage per shot means that one fewer shot to the chest is required to kill a high-level player. ...
Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-II! 砲管前端可以裝上光劍光束段 左右那兩個實在太像 Full Bernian !也有點像 00 Raiser 雙肩的GN Drive 多了很多噴嘴,推力大幅增加,正向反向都有驚人的加速力 基本上還是原本的概念,但是兩側的大型可動噴嘴 很明顯就是用了0083當中GP-01/ Full Burnnian的梗!
The gun is chambered in .223 Wylde, making it extremely accurate. I was consistently smashing steel at 50 yards, so I decided to reach out to 100 yards. I smoked the 100-yard target with ease on my first shot. Just because the range was set up for so many different distances and amm...
120 rounds of Mk 48, can deal 3960 ~ 7920 damage to zombies. Due to low rate of fire, this weapon is not excellent in engaging Heavy zombie and 'Berserk' Regular zombie in ducts.VariantTHANATOS-7 VULCANUS-7 This is an anti-zombie machine gun fed with 120 rounds of 7.62 NATO. It is...
本支援機Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-III 同樣以配件包HGBC的方式推出,便宜而且結構簡單,但 分量比起前兩台大多了;這次除了四隻白色翅膀之外都 有重上過色,由於表面凹凹凸凸的細節很多再加上內外 都要上色的關係,所以會比”看起來”麻煩很多。
All the Mk-IIs share its beam magnum, which must be reloaded manually, its beam saber, and its bazooka launcher, which has a normal grenade round or a shotgun round. As of XBoost, however, only Emma Sheen's Mk-II remains playable. The AEUG model used by Elle Vianno is individually...
... the front hardened glass is well done as well, with the clearer gunsight area laid out in the box centre, which is a nice detail. Open the canopy and drop the little left door to see inside, and this is what I call the "classic airshow view", you can loo...