Mk15 PHALANX CLOSE-IN WEAPON SYSTEMFeatures the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System, a defense system against antiship missiles used by the U.S. Navy. Specifications of weapon; Magazine capacity; Firing rate.Sea Power
本支援機Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-III 同樣以配件包HGBC的方式推出,便宜而且結構簡單,但 分量比起前兩台大多了;這次除了四隻白色翅膀之外都 有重上過色,由於表面凹凹凸凸的細節很多再加上內外 都要上色的關係,所以會比”看起來”麻煩很多。 多出來的四把光束劍 Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-I、Mk-...
Model 680、R9-0 Shotgun、725、Origin 12 Shotgun、VLK Rogue、JAK-12 轻机枪 PKM、SA87、M91、MG34、Holger-26、Bruen Mk9、FiNN LMG、RAAL MG 精确射手步枪 EBR-14、MK2 Carbine、Kar98k、Crossbow、SKS、SP-R 208 狙击步枪 Dragunov、HDR、AX-50、Rytec AMR ...
This makes the gun have a raw firepower 6% under that of the Special Carbine. Despite seeming like an insignificant upgrade, the 1 extra damage per shot means that one fewer shot to the chest is required to kill a high-level player. ...
Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-II! 砲管前端可以裝上光劍光束段 左右那兩個實在太像 Full Bernian !也有點像 00 Raiser 雙肩的GN Drive 多了很多噴嘴,推力大幅增加,正向反向都有驚人的加速力 基本上還是原本的概念,但是兩側的大型可動噴嘴 很明顯就是用了0083當中GP-01/ Full Burnnian的梗!
Now Skull-6 damage = 34 :3 DraGonLadyAnne·3/8/2012 haha this is the new weapon tht going to released on 8/3/12? ConTraZ VII·3/9/2012 Nope. This is the newest machine gun introduced in CSO Korea. A Fandom user·3/4/2012 They should release Ultimax 100 instead of this...
4 MK19s easily stored side by side in Combat Weapon Rack. MK19s can also be stored next to .50 cal machine guns in the same Combat Weapon Rack. MK 19 Machine Gun Weapon System MK19s stored in Combat Weapon Racks can be stored with M3 tripods. ...
TWS导弹系统,即台风武器系统(Typhon Weapon System),是美国陆军打造的一种低风险、低成本的武器系统,类似于美国版的"巨浪上岸"。该系统将海军的MK.41垂直发射装置与重型卡车相结合,构建成移动式发射装置。具备发射战斧,SM-6导弹的能力。 每辆发射车均配备四个发射单元;一个导弹连则配备一辆控制车,一辆保障车,一辆...
In the process he was himself wounded by fire, but continued to evacuate other wounded, when told to get to an aid station for his wounds, he refused going back into the hail of machine gun fire to rescue more wounded instead. After his co-stretcher bearer also became a casualty himself...
Of course, it's highly improbable that the CIA would ever have drawn up a "smoking gun" document describing the details of a plot to dump millions of hits of acid on the black market. Nor is it likely that the Agency anticipated the catalytic impact of LSD and its disruptive effect on...