Supported by 100,000+ forum members Every asset moderated by UnityMJQ Studio Works I'm an individual, From PH. MJQStudioWorks is my indie screen name for developing games, shaders, making assets, photography, alot to mention (Most of them are hobbies) except music - songs (its under my ...
NPC deputies and CPPCC members attending the annual Two Sessions in China 人大代表和政协委员正在参加中国两会。 我们看到人大代表叫“NPC deputies”,政协委员叫CPPCC memebers——中国的这些政治概念不能说错,英文翻译自然也很有讲究。 ...
最初半年内,就有近20万人迅速完成了申请。 And for the first time ever, Minnesota's system integrated to reach all sovereign tribal nation members. 有史以来第一次,明尼苏达州的系统整合到了一起,为所有独立的部落成员提供服务。 That's what...
IntroductionWomen's enterprises are largely informal. It is common knowl- edge that women are dominant members of the informal economy and are less present as owners of formal enterpris- es (JUDAI, 2002; ILO, 2002b). Most of the existing research would suggest that this is so because of ...
Swollen MembersRed Dragon 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2008-12-28 20:19:25上线。视频内容简介:Swollen MembersRed Dragon
Swollen MembersRed Dragon(Jabbawockeez Music) 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2008-11-20 20:01:35上线。视频内容简介:Swollen MembersRed Dragon(Jabbawockeez Music)
新华社新西兰奥克兰3月3日电(记者郭磊 卢怀谦)由61名游客组成的中国旅行团3日下午乘坐中国南方航空公司CZ305航班抵达奥克兰国际机场,成为中国试点恢复出境团队旅游后首批赴新西兰的团队游客。 饮料茶点供应,毛利舞者载歌载舞,为中国游客准备的精致绿色玉石挂件纪念品……一下飞机,中国游客就感受到新西兰颇具特色的热烈欢迎...
中新财经4月23日电(记者 谢艺观)“人在德国,已经一周买不到油了,问收银员什么时候有,她说她也不知道。”这并不是段子,而是一位海外网友近日分享的经历。 受制于新冠肺炎疫情、极端气候、俄乌冲突等影响,国际食用油价格大涨,很多国家甚至出现食用油短缺的情况。那么,国内老百姓的“油瓶子”还稳吗?
Its members also pursued separate careers during periods when the MJQ was not performing together, and in 1974 it disbanded. It began reuniting for annual tours in the 1980s. Following Kay’s death in 1994, Albert (“Tootie”) Heath, brother of Percy, became the MJQ’s drummer. ...
A chat room is a space where the number of members is unlimited. members can join or leave chat rooms without restrictions. You can create or delete chat rooms by calling corresponding server APIs. Chat room interface: objc@interfaceNIMChatroom:NSObject/** ...