mjpg-streamer Currently no issues are known, but since this software is quite young and not used widely it may cause problems. You must really know what you are doing, if you use this software. If you want to use the software you are obliged to check if the sourcecode does what you ...
mjpg-streamer This is a fork of http://sourceforge.net/projects/mjpg-streamer/ with added support for the Raspberry Pi camera via the input_raspicam plugin.mjpg-streamer is a command line application that copies JPEG frames from one or more input plugins to multiple output plugins. It ...
To view the stream use VLC or Firefox and open the URL: To view a single JPEG just call: To compile and start the tool: # tar xzvf mjpg-streamer.tgz # cd mjpg-streamer # make clean all # export LD_...
master Breadcrumbs mjpg-streamer /mjpg-streamer-experimental / docker-start.shLatest commit HistoryHistoryFile metadata and controls Code Blame 5 lines (4 loc) · 116 Bytes Raw1 2 3 4 5 #!/bin/sh set -e export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental" ./mjpg_streamer...
#./mjpg_streamer -i "./input_uvc.so" -o "./output_udp.so -p 2001" ## pwd echos the current path you are working at, ## the backticks open a subshell to execute the command pwd first ## the exported variable name configures ldopen() to search a certain ...
Fork of http://sourceforge.net/projects/mjpg-streamer/ - mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental/makedeb.sh at master · jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer
Files master doc mjpeg-client mjpg-streamer-experimental mjpg-streamer udp_client uvc-streamer .gitignore README.mdBreadcrumbs mjpg-streamer / .gitignore Latest commit codewithpassion Initial commit 7216cb6· Oct 24, 2012 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 12 lines (10 loc) ...
Fork of http://sourceforge.net/p/mjpg-streamer , with changes from https://code.google.com/p/mjpg-streamer-mini2440 - mjpg-streamer/simplified_jpeg_encoder.c at master · vfonov/mjpg-streamer
rcn-ee/reposPublic Notifications Fork31 Star39 master BranchesTags repos/git-mjpg-streamer/ Go to file Type Name Latest commit message Commit time . . suite version.sh
master mjpg-streamer-experimental cmake plugins scripts www CMakeLists.txt Dockerfile LICENSE Makefile README.md TODO docker-start.sh makedeb.sh mjpg_streamer.c mjpg_streamer.h mjpg_streamer@.service postinstall.sh start.sh utils.c