and they were safe. But other starfish were still on the sand. They would die if they did not get into the water. There were many starfish on the beach that night. It made me sad, but I knew I could notfixthe problem. I
【听故事记单词】9. the starfish ● 【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】10. the first peacock ● 【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】11. princess rose and the creature ● 【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】12. the crazy artist...
Located off the coast of Yantai in Shandong province, the complex is capable of fisheries farming, smart fishing, recreational fishing, scientific research and education. It has a smart fishing area and a starfish-shaped main deck. The fishing area, designed to look like petals, contains three ...
●【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】7. The Best Prince ●【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】8. How the Sun and the Moon Were Made ●【听故事记单词】9. The Starfish ●【听故事记单词 突破词汇3500】10. The First Peacock ●【听故事记单词 突破词汇350... 复制上面网址点击搜一搜,再按提示操作,或者长按下面二维码按提示操作: The Farmer and the Cats 农夫与猫 Arthur was aresponsiblefarmer, and Maria was a nice lady. But they were poor. Theyowedthe townlordmoney for their land. One su...
A woman named Bethscannedhis pig. He offered her the pig for one gold coin. That was a very smallamount. Beth gave him the coin. He put it in his pocket. He walkedaheadof Beth to get the pig. 一个叫贝斯的女人端详了一...
猫与狐狸 One day, a cathikedon a mountain. When he reached thepeak, he met a fox. They began talking about how they get away from their enemies. 某天,一只去山里远足的猫在登顶的时候遇见了一只狐狸。两者开始谈论自己逃脱敌...
《Crown of Thorns Starfish and Coral Reefs》、 《Coral Reef Communities》 《The Origin of Coral Reefs》 更别说“客串”的了 Coral到底是啥? 很重要吗? 到底有啥魔力让ETS这么喜欢它? Coral Reef: 中文释义: 珊瑚礁,指在热带和亚热带浅海,由造...
菲律宾制定了“海星姑息治疗方案(StarfishPalliative Care treatment protocol)”,其中包含了许多治疗要素[34]。令人惊讶的是,作者报告了所有接受氟哌啶醇(haloperidol)治疗的患者(n = 22)在相对低剂量(24小时10至20毫克)下,在躁动和焦虑方面有相当大的症状控制或改善。恐水症...
1953年5月29日 Today is the most important day of my life. I finally climbed Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. 今天是我生命中最重要的日子,因为今天我终于登顶了世界最高的珠穆朗玛峰。 The top of the mountain was amaz...