I know, we should have started earlier), we’ve finally taking the plunge into recording our lives through video as well as writing. We’d had the idea for a long time, although honestly, after watching the countless hours our friends theSailing Conductorsput in to filming for theirdocumenta...
But I still haven’t gotten to my favorite part, the clean up. When you’ve finished making your cup of coffee all you need to do is unscrew the bottom cap, hold the cylinder over the trash, and push down on the plunger until it pops out the paper filter and all the grounds. I ...
豆豆一进门,老豆自觉退到小小屋子的角落里。两人各跳各的,很是宣泄,虽然豆豆看上去,更像是忙着抓跳蚤。 跳完了,豆豆说:我喜欢这个周杰伦的歌。 连忙解释,周杰伦的歌好听,但不等于好听的歌都是他唱的。 可惜的是,镜头上全是豆豆的指纹,所以拍出来很是朦胧。 { 国外的看YouTube } { 国内的看新浪 } http:/...
36.Nothing’s gonna change my love for you Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You音乐:Westlife - The Love Album (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) 这首歌是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。演唱版本众多,原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson...
没错,近日,比伯和海莉和婚礼视频曝光,一些关于婚礼的细节也被首次公开。两人于2018年9月在纽约秘密成婚。视频源自比伯YouTube纪录片《Seasons》的最新一集《婚礼:正式成为比伯先生与太太》,可以说很高甜很虐狗了。 在最新一集的纪录片中...
一鸭一鸭游丨Satya Prakash Karan/Youtube 乘风破浪的鸭鸭 选秀节目里,每个团队的舞台表演都很讲究走位这件事,鸭鸭的“水上公演舞台”也不例外。“一”字形简直是鸭鸭团的标配队形。 跟着游丨Vicki Jauron/Babylon and Beyond Photography 鸭鸭们喜欢“一字前行”的...
The room was so full you couldn't squash another person in. 房间里挤得满满的,再也挤不进一个人了。 dietary 表示“饮食的”,英文解释为“relating to your diet”举个🌰: Dietary habits can be very difficult to change. 饮食习惯很难改变。
万源学子绝不简单Versatile XieHe学习不仅仅是在课堂,也在生活的每一个角落。多彩协和系列报导的宗旨是通过不同的视角来帮助大家发掘万源个性化、多元化的教育特色。“东方和西方每朝对方迈近一步,它们之间的距离就更近一点,我相信它们终...