If you get fitted for a set make sure you hit the cast JPX923 Hot Metal Pro too. Its stronger loft will launch and fly lower with a shallower descent angle but you are likely to see more ball speed and distance, so make sure you gauge which gives you the best chance of scoring on...
With the adjusted loft of the Hot Metal Pro pitching wedge at 44 degrees, I’m comfortable with the gap between it and my gap wedge which is 50 degrees. bob s December 6, 2024 at 9:44 pm · Reply A comment for those reading, as i have read and thought many times. An aside,...
Yeah, well you never know Kevin, they are awfully nice. A little less offset than the Hot Metals but has the hot face of the chromoly. They expect these to be very popular and even some tour pros work the 4 iron into the long end of their bag with some gapping adjustments. G430 M...
wedge, but I will figure that out when I start playing them. Expand There is a gap wedge you can order with the set to fill that gap, that’s what I did because I’d rather have the set one and have a better fill to that gap than an “aftermarket” one where I wouldn’t ...
Mizuno's JPX921 iron lineup is full of subtle improvements to each of its 4 models, and one significant change to its most mainstream forged offering.
Finally after a total of 12 weeks, he got his gap wedge sent to him. The last few weeks he felt like his gap wedge was going right, too high, etc...something felt wrong. He went back to his fitter and the launch monitor even showed odd numbers. When he removed the grip (picture...
I've always felt like the strength of my game comes from "Bomb and gouging" courses, by hitting it deep and then hitting solid wedge shots. Part of the reason I got these Mizuno Irons was to improve a glaring weakness in my iron game. I think the issue is two fold; distance control...