钛媒体创投家获悉,2024年1月2日,河南郑州蜜雪冰城股份有限公司 MIXUE Group(以下简称"蜜雪冰城”)在港交所递交招股书,拟在香港IPO上市,联席保荐人为美银、高盛和瑞银集团。 招股书显示,蜜雪冰城在上市前的股东架构中,执行董事张红超持股42.78%;张红超担任GP的员工持股平台青春无畏持股0.45%;执行董事张红甫,持股42.78...
BEIJING, January 4 (TMTPost)— China's top two bubble tea makers--Mixue Group and Guming Holdings Limited coincidentally filed for initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong the same day. Credit:TMTPost With BofA Securities, Goldman Sachs and UBS as joint sponsors, Mixue Group resumed its ...
BEIJING, January 4 (TMTPost)— China's top two bubble tea makers--Mixue Group and Guming Holdings Limited coincidentally filed for initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong the same day.Credit:TMTPost With BofA Securities, Goldman Sachs and UBS as joint sponsors, Mixue Group resumed its l...
BEIJING, January 4 (TMTPost)— China's top two bubble tea makers--Mixue Group and Guming Holdings Limited coincidentally filed for initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong the same day. Credit:TMTPost With BofA Securities, Goldman Sachs and UBS as joint sponsors, Mixue Group resumed its ...
BEIJING, January 4 (TMTPost)— China's top two bubble tea makers--Mixue Group and Guming Holdings Limited coincidentally filed for initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong the same day. Credit:TMTPost With BofA Securities, Goldman Sachs and UBS as joint sponsors, Mixue Group resumed its ...
另外,蜜雪冰城(Mixue Group)寻求在香港进行IPO,以扩大其在饮品市场的影响力,而瑞士著名奢侈品牌劳力士(Rolex)则在年初将部分热门产品价格上调最高8%,凸显高端奢侈品市场的稳定需求。 在全球C端市场的变局中,各大公司都在积极应对来自竞争对手的压力,从苹果的价格战,到特斯拉的交付挑战,再到英伟达的强劲市值增长,这...
According to IPO Zaozhidao, Mixue Bingcheng submitted its prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on January 2, 2024, with plans to list on the main board. Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and UBS Group will serve as joint sponsors. As a global made-to-order beverage company, Mixue ...
BEIJING, January 4 (TMTPost)— China's top two bubble tea makers--Mixue Group and Guming Holdings Limited coincidentally filed for initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong the same day. Credit:TMTPost With BofA Securities, Goldman Sachs and UBS as joint sponsors, Mixue Group resumed its ...