model card) 的推出,一种称为混合专家模型 (Mixed Expert Models,简称 MoEs) 的 Transformer 模型在...
model card) 的推出,一种称为混合专家模型 (Mixed Expert Models,简称 MoEs) 的 Transformer 模型在...
辅助损失(Auxiliary Loss):辅助损失的引入有助于通过促进专家知识的多样化和提高稀疏门控混合专家模型(sparsely gated mixture-of-expert models)的泛化能力来减少过拟合风险。此外,辅助损失可用于解决特定问题,如专家间的负载平衡或防止专家崩溃,从而进一步提升模型的整体性能。在表2中的实验使用的平衡损失和中使用的路由...
The expert layer returns the output of the selected expert multiplied by the gate value (selection probabilities). 路由器与专家(其中仅选定少数)一起构成了The router together with the experts (of which only a few are selected) makes up theMoE 层MoE Layer:: 给定的 MoE 层有两种大小,要么是A g...
Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts layer跟1991年那个工作对比,这里的MoE主要有两个区别: Sparsely-Gated:不是所有expert都会起作用,而是极少数的expert会被使用来进行推理。这种稀疏性,也使得我们可以使用海量的experts来把模型容量做的超级大。 token-level:前面那...
最近接触到Mixture-of-Experts (MoE)这个概念,才发现这是一个已经有30多年历史、至今依然在被广泛应用的技术,所以读了相关的几篇经典论文,在这里总结一下。 1. Adaptive mixtures of local experts, Neural Computation'1991 期刊/会议:Neural Computation (1991) ...
s language model to evaluate the end-to-end performance of Tutel. The model has 32 attention layers, each with 32 x 128-dimension heads. Every two layers contains one MoE layer, and each GPU has one expert. Table 1 summarizes the detailed parameter setting of the model, and Figure 3 ...
How does MoE factor into capacity? Models with more parameters generally have greater capacity, and MoE models can effectively increase capacity relative to a base model by replacing layers of the model with MoE layers in which the expert subnetworks are the same size as the original layer. ...
この記事では主に、LLM アーキテクチャにおける MoE の応用に焦点を当てます。他の分野で MoE を応用する方法については、「Scaling Vision with Sparse Mixture of Experts」、「Mixture-of-Expert Conformer for Streaming Multilingual ASR」、「FEDformer: Frequency Enhanced Decomposed Transformer for Long-...