EQing Drums: Tom Drum Sound Mixing Concept EQing Tom Drum Cheat Sheet (click to enlarge) These are quick starting points you can try to get you started for a tom drum sound. Rule one whenmixing your musicis that there really is no magic equation that will get the exact sound you want...
They can sound great on basses, drums, leads, and even softer FX and pad sounds (when used in moderation).They add an imperfect sound to audio material, ‘warm up’ stale material and can help to control sounds in the process.If you’re in Ableton Live, try playing around with the ...
Solution: Compress the room mic recording. How to do it: Record your drum kit using both direct mics and aroom mic. Place the direct mics in front of each piece of kit. Place the room mic overhead. (more on mic’ing drums). Once you’ve got all the recordings in your DAW, apply...
you'll want to give the bass as much room in the 40-80Hz region as you can without completely losing the weight of the kick. On the other hand, for tracks where the groove needs to really rocket along (as in the Foo Fighter's 'Rope', for example). the drums can't afford too m...