In addition to aqueous ammonia, bleach and other acids such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, acetic acid, etc. are used for disinfection and pH control. Aqueous ammonia tanks that contain 29 wt. % ammonia are typically present at these operations. A concern is the inadvertent mixing of ...
This has the effect of somewhat masking image grain and improving detail in high values. The stain can be eliminated by the addition of sulfite in the ratio of 4 or 5 to 1 of pyro. It is also possible to bleach out the silver and print by the stain alone. Once widely used, pyro ...
What is the solution, if you mix Sodium carbonate with sulfuric acid? Will it be clear or cloudy? A solution is prepared by dissolving 11.6 g of a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in 1.00 L of water. A 300.0 cm3sample of the solution ...
Recall that a mixture of yellow and blue paint creates a green pigment. What does this suggest about how the color of paint is created? Describe chemical reactions and how they relate to chemical quantities. Why do hydrogen peroxide and bleach react as th...