The production of regular, irregular and mixed verbs in the present, simple past and past participle (present perfect) was tested in German by means of a sentence completion task with a group of nine speakers with agrammatic aphasia. The results show a difference between regular verbs and ...
From: A Handbook of Diction for Singers (Italian, German, and French)- By David Adams利用單詞卡、遊戲等工具學習 — 完全免費。
Aquamotion verbs in Slavic and Germanic : A case study in lexical typology The paper contrasts the verbs plyt'/plavat' in Russian and pyn/pywa in Polish with their correspondences in Dutch, English and Swedish against a broader typological background. The three Germa ... M Koptjevskajatamm...
2 Like Birner (1995), I exclude here a discussion of similar but distinct inversion phenonomena, such as there-insertion or so-called quotative inversion with verbs of saying. In the latter type of inversion, an exam-ple of which is provided in (i), the constituent in front of the ...
1IusethetermVerbalNounherefollowingthetraditionindescriptiveIrishlinguisticsHowever,giventheanalysisin thispaper,theymightbebetterviewedas“nominalverbs”or“nominalizedverbs” PhasinginMixedCategories. agreement(notseeninthisexample);ittakescantakeadverbialmodification(notseeninthisexample) ...
We investigate whether and to what extent the principle of Dependency Length Minimization (DLM) predicts crosslinguistic syntactic ordering preferences. More specifically, we ask: (i) is there a typological tendency for shorter constituents to appear clo
Assuming that the to of prepositional dative constructions is the same to under verbs of motion as in (11), then a prepositional dative approach to Theme-Goal ditransitive constructions like (6), suggests a unified approach to these two constructions. A third possibility is that Theme-Goal ...
Thus, although problems studied are present as risk behaviours, SPIUs seem to cover the addictive symptomatology in those categorised as potential problem users, online gaming being the most severe behavioural addiction problem. Keywords: behavioural addictions; generalised versus specific problem Internet...
4. Kann ich bitte eine tüte bekommen is more literally "Can I get/receive a bag" and Kann ich bitte eine tüte haben is "Can I have a bag"; they are two different verbs, but in this context, they boil down to the same meaning. Be careful if you are plugging sentences into an ...
The pattern forms a stable inflectional type in verbs with the i-stem aorist but is also marginally attested in other verbal classes. The goal of the present paper is to describe the distribution of the mixed subjunctive in the early Classical Armenian texts and clarify its origin.Kocharov,...