综合方法研究40mixedmethodstudy41如何发表 系统标签: mixedjmmrmethodologicalstudymethodfetters Editorial JournalofMixedMethodsResearch 2015,Vol.9(3)203–213 ÓTheAuthor(s)2015 Reprintsandpermissions: sagepub/journalsPermissions.nav DOI:10.1177/1558689815594687 mmr.sagepub PublishingaMethodological MixedMethodsResear...
Email: mfetters@ 204 Journal of Mixed Methods Research 9(3) empirical mixed methods study. However, if the paper provides a novel approach to data trans- formation, places it in the context of literature about data transformation approaches in mixed methods, and characterizes how the approach ...
Thus, this mixed‐methods study examined what explains foreign early career academics' sense of knowledge and intellectual development and how. Both the quantitative and qualitative results indicated collegiality's key role in their development, while the discrepancies between them suggest that their ...
大家好,这里是南山论剑学苑!今天小编给大家分享一篇2020年7月发表在《European Journal of Information Systems》上的文章《Bitcoin investment: a mixed methods study of investment motivations》。本期小编先介绍文章的前半部分,以对文章有一个初步的了解。
We accordingly report our findings from a mixed-methods study utilizing cross-sectional survey data collected from ASR adolescents and qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with mental health professionals. We conclude with policy recommendations highlighting the need for widespread, accessible, ...
1. Choice of a patient-reported outcome measure for patients with anal cancer for use in cancer clinical trials and routine clinical practice: a mixed methods approach 2. Organizational culture change in US hospitals: a mixed methods longitudinal intervention study ...
The impact of atypical intrahospital transfers on patient outcomes: a mixed methods study Estera Mendelsohn, Kate Honeyford, Andy Brittin, Luca Mercuri, Robert Edward Klaber, Paul Expert & Céire Costelloe Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 15417 (2023) Cite this article 2341...
This study investigated the feasibility and efficacy of a weekly dance programme over a 12-month period on PA levels and wellbeing. Methods A mixed-method intervention design was used. Community-dwelling older adults aged 55 + years were recruited from local community groups in Yorkshire (UK...
This mixed-methods study on online learning is an exploration into the online instructional faculty's knowledge of integrated Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK). TPACK has been used to assess teaching in the K-12 classroom setting and is currently being utilized as an ...
1) Mixed Methods Study 联合方法研究1. Mixed Methods Study of Urban Poverty Multidimensional Perspectives and Approaches 城市贫困的联合方法研究:多维视角和研究路径更多例句>> 2) comprehensive studies 综合研究方法 1. typhimurium,it is obvious that,in scientific researches,comprehensive studies preform an...