6. Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods 7. Principles of mixed methods and multimethod research design 8. A framework for analyzing data in mixed methods research 9. Mixed methods sampling a typology with examples ...
mixed methods researchquantitative researchqualitative researchthird paradigmsport and exercise psychologyIn the past, quantitative and qualitative approaches to research were portrayed as being incompatible, if not mutually exclusive. More recently, however, researchers have explored the possible complementarity ...
(2012). Mi- xed Methods Research in the Movement Sciences: Case studies in sport, physical education and dance. Abingdon, UK.: Routledge.Camerino O (2012) Mixed methods research in the movement sciences: case studies in sport, physical education and dance. New York , Routledge....
Increasingly, research has explored such impacts on holistic athlete development. A recent mixed methods systematic review [8] highlighted there are a multitude of immediate, short- and long-term positive (e.g. physical development, more stable levels of general health and well-being, status/popula...
Methods The present study is part of the research project MANREPORT-IPV – a mixed methods study examining awareness of, attitudes toward, and experience with MR-IPV. Data collection was conducted between March 2022 and March 2023. The present study combined quantitative and qualitative data in a...
Mixed methods studies are been increasingly applied to a diversity of fields. In this paper, we discuss the growing use—and enormous potential—of mixed m... M Teresa Anguera,O Camerino,Marta Castaer - Mixed Methods Research in the Movement Sciences: Cases in Sport, Physical Education and Da...
Authors: SE Luke, DJ Ford, SM Vaughn… Year: 2023 Cites: 6 Abstract:… A convergent parallel mixed methods study was employed to investigate teacher candidates… using virtual simulation in a mixed reality environment. Quantitative and qualitative data …...
Mixed methods research: a research paradigm whose time has come. Educ Res. 2004;33(7):14–26. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X033007014. Article Google Scholar Noble H, Heale R. Triangulation in research, with examples. Evid Based Nurs. 2019;22(3):67–8. https://doi.org/10.1136/...
A mixed-methods study of physiological reactivity to domain-specific problem solving: methodological perspectives for process-accompanying research in VETResearch Open access Published: 11 May 2017 Volume 9, article number 10, (2017) Cite this article ...
Young adult caregivers (YACs, aged 18–25) who take care of a loved one may juggle between caregiving responsibilities and other life areas such as education and social life, leading to an imbalance in their lives. The web-based tool ‘MantelzorgBalans’ aims to support informal caregivers (IC...