Understanding the components of a robust, deliberate methodology of a mixed-methods design is essential in appreciating useful and impactful results. Here, we present several examples of mixed-methods research, with the pros and cons of each study in the context of the different essential designs:...
In this chapter, we first define mixed methods research; we then review the literature on M&A using mixed methods and finally show the pros and cons of this research design to advance our understanding of M&A.doi:10.1108/S1479-361X(2013)0000012011Rouzies, Audrey...
Methods are often thought of as neutral tools that researchers can pick up and use to learn about a reality ‘out there.’ Motivated by growing recognition of complexity, there have been widespread calls to mix methods, both within and across disciplines
Methods A mixed-methods design was chosen to investigate in-depth processes during domain-specific problem solving, using a computer-based office simulation. Personal characteristics were assessed by questionnaires and tests before the task. Cardiovascular and electrodermal reactivity were measured continuously...
Year: 2023 Cites: 2 Abstract:… This study was covered by the R&D + I project Design, implementation and evaluation of Mixed Reality materials in learning environments (PID2019-108933GB-I00), granted by the …Mixed reality systems in education: a systematic literature reviewAuthors...
Methods The study protocol for this study has been pre-registration and is available on the OSF (see Study One https://osf.io/7g2hu). Design This is a randomised crossover experimental study with a subsequent nested qualitative exploratory study to assist with interpretation of results. A ran...
This thesis begins with the background and definition of SMILE, summarizes the pros and cons of a mixed-age class, and examines some problems that I have encountered with the usual teaching methods, teacher-centered. By studying the individual psychological characteristics of each child and the di...
The study consisted of two periods: a control period of 8 weeks with local standard of care and an intervention period of 8 weeks (Supplementary Table S2). A mixed-methods design, including questionnaires and interviews, was used to provide context for the quantitative results. The study was ...
Methods The present study consists of a mixed methods study with an embedded concurrent design, as it combines two data sets that were collected simultaneously using different methods. Following the work of Kettles et al., the data set that contributes to a higher proportion of the reported outco...
Methods Design and setting A convergent parallel mixed-methods design was applied. The design aimed to obtain different but complementary data on the same phenomenon to understand the research problem from different perspectives [31]. The procedure of the convergent parallel design can be explained thr...