The sequential explanatory design incorporated quantitative and qualitative approaches in two consecutive phases within one study. The quantitative method (i.e. questionnaire survey) was conducted in the first stage, followed by the qualitative approach using thematic analysis. The questionnaire survey data...
包括三种基础设计方案:(1)convergent design(2)explanatory sequential design(3)exploratory sequential design;以及三种高阶方案:(1)intervention designs (2)social justice/transformative designs(3)multistage evaluation designs。数据的整合有多种形式:聚合、解释、构建和嵌套 mixed mthods research的步骤为: (1)题目...
The aim is to provide a richer and more nuanced understanding of the research topic than could be achieved through a single method or phase. Advantages of the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Design: The explanatory sequential mixed methods design offers several advantages over traditional ...
This article highlights on the growing interest of educational researchers on sequential mixed method design in order to collect and analyze data for legitimize knowledge claim. This article is expected to be useful to novice researchers who are in quandary to adopt explanatory sequential mixed method...
六個主要的方法,在此只討論一項:SequentialExplanatoryDesign •先用一個方法,再用另一個方法•重點在解釋 10 SixMajorDesignsofMixedMethods:SequentialExplanatoryDesign •Moststraightforward,aimtoexplain(此法直接清楚)•Collectandanalyzequantitativedatafirst,thencollectandanalyzequalitativedata(先搜集量化資料,再...
解释式设计(Explanatory mixed method design)是一种两阶段的混合方法设计,一般流程是先收集并分析量化资料,然后收集并分析质性资料,第二阶段质性研究的设计依据或拓展第一阶段的量化研究结果,质性资料用于解释或扩展前一阶段的量化结果。 一项探究视频游戏玩家水平与玩家自我调控水平的关系研究是应用解释式设计的一个典...
Using a mixed-method explanatory sequential study design, we firstly used three continuous years of electronic health record data prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, from 55,152 patients admitted to a London hospital network to define the ward specialities by patient type using the Herfindahl–...
The mixed-method sequential explanatory design allowed a comprehensive understanding of the implementation process. In this study, integrating the quantitative and qualitative findings helped to explain some of the possible reasons for the usage of ScreenMen by patients, explaining the trend of access ...
Who Cares for the Caregiver? An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods DesignThe purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life of caregivers. Understanding the impact of caregiving for a critically ill family member on the caregiver shapes the purpose of this study. The related ...
The current study used a mixed-method sequential explanatory design to gain a better understanding of the links between children's mental health symptoms, age, gender and school absenteeism. The study included two phases: Phase I presented a quantitative investigation of the links between absenteeism...